ADMIN TABLE TUTORIAL !!! How To Catch Impostors With The Admin Room Among Us ! Among Us Admin Table

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Among Us Admin Table Room Tutorial . How to use the Admin Room Table in Among Us . Admin table tutorial guide . admin table guide tutorial in among us .



  1. I wish among us coould update

    That the player dots are moving around the room where they go
    The guy just go toelecrtic then gone to medbay means it vented
    Thats such a helpfull update

  2. Some stupid server with a cyan kicked me out since I was using admin and making way to much accusations

  3. You fool you think cam is better the admin I win 9 time in a row with just admin even his weakness is comm but no one sabotage comm

  4. Vent part true, but if stupid people have incredibly high speeds it might not even work

  5. How many people need a tutorial? I mean I don't know I learned how to use the admin mab by myself. Exepting the kill blink. Usefull tip: allways look for rooms with two people! (You can know why)

  6. Half of these comments are replied to or liked to this youtuber. Including this one.

  7. Lol thanks for the tip I caught both of the imposters in my game because of that trick

  8. I already knew all of this Lol HaHa Lol HaHa This Teach Me Nothing Lol Your such a noob I knew this before all of you all of you are noobs haha

  9. I did this twice and won the game, like black killed pink medbay, and i went to see who it was, it was black, i called meeting, and gave evidence, and got the imposter out

  10. That Expensive Cheat Haha😂
    But…. not Expensive cheat:( sorry
    Marcus: Expensive
    Me: Yayyy Expensive!

    I don't get why people say "Oh it's useless"

  12. Did you know that of someone finishes and task or killes someone it shows on the Admin tabel with an blink? If an body gets reported right after and you saw only 2 peeps you can say its selfreport.

  13. One recomendation: if u imp and see someone in admin kill it but if they are two turn off light and lock storage and cafetería Door oh if one crewnate comes tp emergacy bc u vent lock cafetería fast as u can and kill the player of if they are two sabotage light and kill the guy who found u and accuse the other most as possible

  14. I used that every time I finished all my task but sometimes I got killed 😂😭

  15. This is useful but i dont play much among us it just makes me stressed

  16. Thank you so much for helping me with this map , I was so confused when someone said I self reported and didn’t know how 😅

  17. I attempted the thumbnail and it ended up where somebody left electrical and somebody entered security at the same time

  18. Really triggered that on the thumbnail you put the vents (except electrical one) on the wrong spots

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