[Skullgirls] Big Band – Among Us midcombo

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idea stolen from Cattfish blues though this one doesn’t need to land a CH j.hp to work


hp , mp+hp , lp , mp , lp , mp+hp , hp , 2lk , lp+hp , hp , hp , mp+hp , lp , mp , lp , mp+hp , mp , mp , lp , mp+hp , mp , lp , mp+hp


  1. I mean…how tf you gon beat the breaks off somebody AND play music for’em at the same time? That’s psychological battery. 😂😂😂

  2. I know nothing about skullgirls but this is the funniest shet I’ve seen in a long time 😭😭

  3. Idk why watching someone doot out Among Drip before absolutely annihilating their opponent is peak comedy to me, but it is

  4. Is he manually playing that tune when the special time stops everything? this is sick!🔥🔥🔥

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