[Skullgirls] Big Band – Among Us midcombo

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idea stolen from Cattfish blues though this one doesn’t need to land a CH j.hp to work
hp , mp+hp , lp , mp , lp , mp+hp , hp , 2lk , lp+hp , hp , hp , mp+hp , lp , mp , lp , mp+hp , mp , mp , lp , mp+hp , mp , lp , mp+hp
Bro if i get folded by a mf doing an amongus combo im uninstalling
i think i would quit if i got hit with among us mid combo
The absolute disrespect in that combo tho
Perfection. I don't even know what game this is
If I EVER get Among Us'd OR Rick Rolled in any fighting game, I will delete the game with no hesitation. The embarrassment would be too much to bear…
Ok that actually soudned really cool ngl
Beo band is my fav
Saw someone doing this at a tournament 💀
i played online and it's 200ms then i lost interest
Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ORA
them making him freeze time and have the ability to play an indefinite amount of songs with only 6 keys in a fighting game is a thing i guess
I prefer the sussy baka combo extender
This reminds me of when my cousin played as poppy and just spammed bombs for the whole match. It sucked.
I would literally uninstall the game if I died to that
I like at the end he goes just slightly off tune he immediately starts beating the crap out of you like "YOU DIDN'T F**KING HEAR THAT".
Amongus + jojos
That combo is pretty sus
I can not Believe this is fuckin real
If this happened to me online yall would never see me ingame nor irl ever again
Of course big band is red when playing the song😂
that's evil
Yeah you deserve the chair if you hit someone with that in a real match.
Just when your day couldn't get any worse, ya get hit with the Sussus Amogus.
this was beautiful, i had the sudden urge to stand up and salute like an american seeing their own flag!
I dunno, this combo is kinda sus.
Now that's adding insult to injury.
Betting with your girl that if you best her in skullgirls, she will do whatever you want her to do for a week.
That's when you do the gamer lean and hit her with the Among Us Combo
How do you play music like that? (I play mobile)
Big Sus
I wanna see someone do a “Megalovania” combo
Bro if I got hit with the Amogus combo I'd kill myself fr
That is so unbelievably disrespectful 😂
I think one of the biggest Big Band disrespects was catching 2 fighters and literally playing "Happy Birthday."
How do you actually do the taunt? I know the inputs but i dont know the timing or anything
This is the worst thing you can do to a person.
still can't get over the fact that they gave a character an entire trumpet into their moveset and made it work
No sh#t i actually manage to pull this off since I was fighting a noob he just let me hit him with the among us combo
sussy combo
My friend in college used to always play the Mario theme for the combo
Think if I ever had that hit me online, I'd just put the controller down and leave my house for a while.
Doot doot
Very impressive but my favorite is still playing "Happy birthday" during a combo hitting both of opponents character's which is also known as "Happy birthday". There's a player who pulled that in a tournament and the crowd went wild with laughter.
Also, if the combo hits three characters like in Marvel vs Capcom 3 or Dragonball FighterZ, that is known as "Merry christmas".
Scary: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure music
Scarier: Among Us Memes
The Scariest: Big Band doesn't even play, he just stares at you for about four seconds
When Bif band is sus
To this day, no fighting game dev has topped the masterpiece that is Big Band