[Skullgirls] Big Band – Among Us midcombo

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idea stolen from Cattfish blues though this one doesn’t need to land a CH j.hp to work


hp , mp+hp , lp , mp , lp , mp+hp , hp , 2lk , lp+hp , hp , hp , mp+hp , lp , mp , lp , mp+hp , mp , mp , lp , mp+hp , mp , lp , mp+hp


  1. Bro if someone pulled this on me during an online match I’m straight up disconnecting, uninstalling the game, selling my PC, and moving countries because that is too embarrassing

  2. This right here is exactly why Big Band is the greatest fighting game character to ever exist with the best FG character design ever.

  3. Can someone translate that into button combo? I've been looking everywhere for something like this. And i am not smart enough to figure it out on my own.

  4. There's two types of Skullgirls players. People with their other hand occupied with something other than the game, and Big Band mains.

  5. 📮🎶🎵
    "Ayo getcho ass over here" 👊💥
    "Ah shit a bit offkey cmere girl" 👊💥💥💥
    "ORAORAORAORAORA" 👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥

  6. Big Band is the biggest troll potential character in all of fighting games history, and you can't change my mind. Dan's meter taunts got nothing on the music man

  7. Gotta say him and painwheel some of the most creative characters ive seen a in game i

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