[Skullgirls] Big Band – Among Us midcombo

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idea stolen from Cattfish blues though this one doesn’t need to land a CH j.hp to work


hp , mp+hp , lp , mp , lp , mp+hp , hp , 2lk , lp+hp , hp , hp , mp+hp , lp , mp , lp , mp+hp , mp , mp , lp , mp+hp , mp , lp , mp+hp


  1. Yooooo! Imagine getting hit with a rickroll combo. Not only did you take a lot of damage but you also got rickrolled. I bet a lot of people would ragequit.

  2. If you get hit by the Among us combo you lose by default. Sorry chief I don't make the rules.

  3. This is what it feels like when you see the imposter kill and he throws sus on YOU

  4. i’ve never played a second of this game in my life and yet i’ve watched at least 15 minutes of Big Band players memeing while they kick the shit out of other players

  5. I wanna play this game so I can main this character. I do not play fighting games but I learn meme songs over like 6 instruments at this point

  6. Imagine the amount of disrespectful, playing Among us song while slowly killing you

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