VITALS !!! How To Check Vitals In Among Us ! Among Us VITALS Tips and Tricks Tutorial Guide Crewmate
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Among Us Vitals Tutorial Guide ! How to Check Vitals in Among Us ! How to Use Vitals Among Us ! Crewmate tips and tricks for Among Us Vitals ! Vitals Guide for Among Us ! Among Us Vitals Polus and Location !
Actually vitals are very useless in my opinion. Why?
Because when you check vitals you only know they are dead but you don’t know where’s the body or killed him.
The vitals are just things that tell u who died just now or recently.
If u had a discussion when pressing button there is no evidence and you waste your time on vitals
I did not know this existed THANK YOU
Thank this was very helpful i didn't even know this existed
Wait I found some useful informations ok let’s say if u see red and blue going to specimen to each other.
You can see vitals and if one of them died that means the other left alive is the imposter I’m sorry I underestimated the vitals
0:05 haha simsong
Thank you soooo much my bro
What does the heartbeat mean on the vitals you can see there heartbeats
Dunno man,you lookin kinda sus though
Vitals are so OP
I've been using vitals for some time to know who is impostors but before I suspect someone I usually just bet that the person who has a strange vital is the impostor works for most time. Vitals can be a bit tricky you'll see vitals that are Sharp pointed when they go up while others have a shaky one I noticed that this doesn't actually indicate anything rather it's more of a pattern of sorts. There are some crewmates whose vitals match each other's (in terms of speed and patterns) and when there's someone who doesn't have a pair I usually bet on those as impostors but it's also best to gather evidence just be careful around those people who you suspected
I use vitals and in 90% of cases I kick impostor
Fun fact: a crewmates heartbeat goes faster if there near an imposter. Hard to see but fun.
Edit: its only for like 5 seconds and its very hard to notice.
Don’t call a meeting immediately just keep an eye on them.
u could use this and if somebody's heartbeat accelerated not them
I see u using cooltext .com for the letters in the thumbnail. nice.
i dont think using vitals is that hard
I'm confused. How are you supposed to know who the imposter is if you look at vitals. Everyone's vitals are different. And if you tell me that you can find out who the imposter is while look at a whole lobby still alive that's BS.
Fun Fact: Vitals Can Reveal Imposters.
Everybodys Vitals Are The Same
Except For The Host Now. When A Crewmate Dies The Imposters
Vitals Change After They Kill.
You Will Know The Difference
By Looking At The End Of Their Vitals.
Well this gives me something to do when I need to finish all the tasks
But watt if u see the person who killed but they vote u off
-19.9 content loudness….Dude.
I'll tell you a story about vitals cause why not lol
Well, there were 6 of us left and 2 impostors: Pink, Purple, Lime, Blue, Green, and Brown (me). Pink thought I was sus because I had reported a body, so I decided to stay with her all of the time. She spent the whole round in vitals, and I was with her. Purple also went with us. The other 3 were somewhere else, but pink saw in vitals that lime was dead, and since the 3 of us had been together the whole time, we knew it was Green and Blue.
Purple was stupid however and didn't vote so we lost.
I found the imposter by looking at vitals,as soon the body was dead it got reported and the guy who reported said no one was there.So I said it’s an self report and they all believed me and voted him out
I sub
One time I was checking vitals and I saw someone die and then straight away someone reported a body I knew straight away it was a self report
wait lime and yellow and red is called PuffballsUnited's name, Marcus B
what about the wierd heartbeats imposters have? i have won a game due to vitals because imposters have wierd heartbeats
The D/C stands for Deceased.
Here's another tip: when impostor kills, the person who died and the impostors heart rates both go up on vitals and then it shows one of them as dead
Thanks so much!
Last time I called a meeting because someone died I got cursed at 🙁
Fun Fact Simsong is a Samsung reference
Vitals work for self report thing example: i was looking vitals and then a body died and they reported, i said it was self report and bam the guy was an impostor
I still remember the moment when I saved the round using Vitails.
4 people and 1 impostor
I was white and purple was my alluby, (we both had a med bay scan so we knew that we are not impostors)
But there was also cyan and orange, one of them was the impostor.
At the end of the meeting cyan and orange went together to the speciment (bad idea) and I showed purple to stay with me near vitals. A while later cyan died so I pressed the button and we kicked out the Impostor…
ok wait how the heck did this get 50k views LOL.
You think we dont know this shit?
Your voice is too much low…😕
I once catched imposter via vitals. I was doing tasks and checked vitals and everybody was alive, as soon as I left body was reported. I knew it was self report as unless somebody said they saw imposter kill it was immposible for crewmate to find body that fast. So I stated reason and if I remember right he was voted out
Its a little bit hard to use ;-;
Vitals is basically admin in polus but you can't see where people are.
Hi guys in me
Im marcus dont get like, what two marcuses
Im a marcus to lol, i juat saw and i said wait minet
sorry for bad type
Sorry, not ,sorry
This is so underrated trick thankq certainly I would like not to share the trick tho;)
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I was seeing in Vital to find the impostor but instead impostor killed when i was observing Vital 😓
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MARCUSK replied, view 13 total replies
Thanks it worked 8 times yesterday b some people think it’s BS and vote me out though I’m roght
We already know that