GENERAL ZOD Beginner’s Guide – Injustice: Gods Among Us – All You Need To Know!

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A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! General Zod is a versatile character with good mix-ups and high damaging combos! This tutorial will cover every special move, their meter burns, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!


Xbox 360
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B (character trait)

1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle (character trait)

f = forward
b = back
d = down
u = up
qcf / qcb = quarter circle forward/back
hcf / hcb = half circle forward/back


  1. in this game , deathstroke is invincible,,all these powers are useless against his machine gun

  2. Well there it is. The magical 59% combo XD Awesome! It's a shame it's only 4-5% more for 2 extra bars though. Very cool guide, thanks for showing some extra ways to juggle with the trait!

    PS. Are you going to use Zod at the end of Farewell to Injustice? You already did his row =O

  3. Theres going to be more characters tho,Will u do special combo vids for those characters?

  4. Ed boon has tweeted something about even more new characters to be announced I think too. Could be wrong though, what then?

  5. Quatre-circle forward/quatre-circle backwards, half-circle forewards/half-circle backwards.

  6. Qcb is the same as pushing down then back. Qcf is the same as pushing down then forward. Hcf is like pushing back then forward. This is if you are playing on the default controls. Which I assume that you are unless you changed it.

  7. No, there are definitely 4 more characters coming with the second season 😉

  8. Not really. The rifle is the best way to set-up transitions. However, you can also use his phantom's grab with qcf+4 and then do the transition. Either that, or use f+2, 1, u+2, qcb+1 – b+3.

  9. Yo ud do u have a idea of who is the new 3 on the second season pass we no Martian manhunter is 1 of them

  10. Hi, awesome vid, good job !
    His special moves are really strong, but he's a bit slow, and his reach is bad. Shazam can touch him first. So, I don't think is over powered, Green Lantern or Batman are in my opinion stronger. And you, what do you think about it ? ( sorry for my bad english, I'm a french subscriber 🙂 ).

  11. I think he has great options. He can zone or rush-down. His reach isn't great, but his forward dash is one of the best in the game and he has more than enough projectiles. I think his pet phantom could be a real game-changer at EVO and I see him making it very far. All in all, a very well balanced character.
    PS: Your English is great 😉

  12. I think it is PowerGirl, Red Hood, and a mystery character. Hopefully Static Shock or Doctor Fate. Fingers Crossed!

  13. Ok, thank you !
    There is a bug with the phantom : when we call it and the ennemy teleport ( Ares, Shazam, Scorpion… ), the phantom stay behind the ennemy all the fight and it's useless, you can't use it anymore…

  14. Static Shock is very likely. Beast Boy is almost definitely a no, and StarFire is unlikely, but not out of the question. I would love to see all of them, though :/

  15. I wonder why zod got ban from evo. he's super good but to just ban him right after his release is kinda crazy

  16. I do. They are in the annotations. Make sure to turn annotations on. Also, certain mobile devices don't show annotations either.

  17. can't wait for your zod advanced combos, hope you will also look how to deal with zoners like raven, sinestro and deathstroke, i have a hard time against them…

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