City Hall 25 Guide [ Beginners ] | Rise of Kingdoms

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Get a farm account or ask for resources from alliance if you need help
Good stuff!
I have got a billion rss type and half a million power what do I do??
Having some good friends in the alliance is the key😁😉
Shinchi in my kingdom 2040 we have a alliance Bank (Daily donation)
Your a Filipino? I'm Filipino hehe
I know this is off topic but when do you recommend using my first free civilization change I’m ch18 2.7 mil power
What civ should i start with?
Im still lvl 19 bcs im free to play xD
Woah you have so much power I kept getting attacked by random governors I lost a lot of resources
Do a poll please, I'm kinda curious how many new players is looking for your guide and how many old viewers that you have 🤔
Wait main city hall 21 and im not reach vip lvl 10. Should i focus in vip lvl 10 or just up city hall?
Shinichi, I have 9 million power and im f2p what civilization should I be using?
Shinchi please answer my question:would don,t properly skilled wu zetian Charles Martel garrison good not properly skilled becuase of being f2p
Shinchi I need help please tlalk to me in private I need guides
credit card
i started watching ur channel like 3 days ago and I love it. btw I'm a beginner in rok (2 mil power)
Is it a good achievement that I reached it in 60 days?🤔
Just went to ch 24 yesterday 21mill power;)
Lol not suitable for the new kd affected by the new update the 65 days pre kvk or fast kvk doing economic tech will get u rekt during kvk its better to do war tech early and eco tech during events
Its fast kvk now do ur eco tech then farm in LT
Any help! Can it be done in a month? I’m city call 22 and need to get to 25 and can put $200-$500 please help
Im stuckmin CH lvl 14
Hello Bro!!!! Hope ayou are fine. Plz tell me is there any trick to get golden key by doing forts..
I am doing fort from last few days but i am not getting the golden key. Can you help me???
Lol all your farms are same level
Me who upgrade everything to same level as CH:
Heh i already got 2M power in just ch 16😎now i can join higher alliance
Me who baught speedups before vip:
Who needs vip?if i can just level up everything fast its just a %it doesnt matter
came here because I need to get city hall 17 to get gold in war robots lmfao
does the base comes with the level or do I have to buy it separately
thank you
I’ve been maxing absolutely everything in academy aswell before upgrading city hall and i got burnt out 4 times because i was tired of waiting 3-4 months before actually upgrading my city hall.
If u r buying u r serving the purpose plat free or leave
Bro,hello, I have no enough space im my storage,what can I do?
This such a simple but really important information. Iv'e searched for this everywhere! Good video.
In 25 days how far I can upgrade? City level.
Very useful tips, Thank You so Much!
Goofy ah intro but other than dat… cool vid
I am f2p player im 25 with 13m power😹✋
I’m watching this 3 years later to find out how to get master blueprints 😂 the growth bundle was crazy too, 80k gems for $15
How fast can someone get to lvl 25 for ftp?