COMMS TIPS AND TRICKS !! How To Sabotage Comms In Among Us ! How To Fix Comms Among Us ! Comms !!

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How to fix comms in among us . how to sabotage comms in among us . among us comms tutorial . among us comms tips and tricks . tutorial guide among us comms . communications tutorial among us . among us communications .
yoy are underated
Nice 👏
It's always good to see people using my favourite sabotage.
How to sabotage comms is just press the wifi button
when all the videos have the "fun" font on cooltext
Comms is also really useful for stack kills! Particularly on skeld, everyone groups up on the table and since almost nobody knows how to do it in online lobbies, they are really susceptible to stack kills there
Not to mention it prevents the use of the Emergency Meeting like all other sabotages. It's by far the stealthiest sabotage yet.
Foot foot foot foot
1:24 who noticed that he was impostor in freeplay
Now everybody use comms lol
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I just pick polus and sabptage comms
I love how the players are called (DUMMY)
bruh i already now
when he sabotaged comms legit my wifi went down
Heroes choose Reactor
Legends choose lights
But god choose comms
How to sabotage comms:
Sabotage it
Oooo This is helpful 👀
I suck at being imposter lmao
tbh comms is rlly situational
I always thought communication sabotage was useless!
This is actually useful. If you are addicted to self reporting, use this sabotage. It's very useful when you want to do a self report, because:
1. It disables vitals. People can use vitals to catch a self report. (Only if the self reporter says nobody was there)
2. It disables the admin map. When a kill will happen in a room, there will be a blink of players in that room of the admin map. But make sure to use your self report wisely. Otherwise, they will not see a blink so they might call it a self report
3. It disables the cameras. The cameras are very useful for information, guarding and lessening the chance when a kill might happen. Disabling this is a good thing to do. Just like the admin map, make sure to self report wisely, or they might not see the body in cams before you sabotage comms.
4. It disables the door logs. Door logs are useful for information of who went with who. Disabling this cannot make the logs read the sensors' info. It's great if you disable this if you are still in the inverted Y-shaped hallway of MIRA HQ and when the person you are with doesn't mind about the sabotage. As said in the video, it also deletes the previous logs info before the comms sabotage. Might be good to have a self report when you disable this.
I know you cannot disable these one at a time, but its even greater when it's disabled altogether. Hope this helps. Great video btw.
This is my personal opinion on which sabotage to use and when:
Reactor and O2: Getting people away from the body.
Lights: Doing a quick vent in/out kill in front of others.
Comms: Disabling cameras, doorlogs, admin, etc. Another bonus is that a lot of people don’t know how to fix it.
I think lights is the best purely because it allows you to get the fastest kills.
the door log on Mira HQ has always been a pain to me, mostly cause I don't know what is what
whenever i need to vent on polus i'll call comms because everyone is using cameras and polus coveres alot of vents.
This was very Helpful! Before I like never used comms. IMA try it now.
I've never been caught with the logs since noone ever uses them
I still don't understand how to fix the comms sabotage on mira hq. How many times do you have to put the codes? Cuz it keeps giving you codes but when is it fixed?
Also why did u say comms sabotage looks like this, you should have said it looks like a wifi logo for the blind people
I’ve only used comms once to get people to stop camping vitals. I would of won since I got an alibi but then someone caught me over a body (I was waiting for the cool down instead of venting out)
I Use Comms All The Time Bc Its Op Man NGL 😀
Comms is one of the most useful sabotages ever, i could kill easier with sabotaging comms bc the campers will get mad.
God damn it stop spamming the same thing in the title
You should sabotage comms every time before you do a kill or vent on MiraHQ. This is because you will be seen going with the victim you killed, and they will know it is you. The same thing with venting. The problem with doing it after you kill is because even though it removes the current information, someone could have been watching on doorlogs before you sabotaged comms, which will make you lose if they find someone you killed dead, or if they saw you go somewhere on the logs and you weren't there. If you are playing on older versions, the doorlog's information won't be cleared after sabotaging comms, but information won't come up when comms is sabotaged.
you can also use comms as a distraction so crewmates will gather around comms giving you a higher chance for crewmates not finding the fresh kill you made and you can also use comms for stack kills since a lot of people tend to stack when fixing comms especially on the skeld
I thinked what comms need then watchs this ooohh
I guess comms is actually pretty good
I still prefer lights tbh
Holy FRICK Comms sabotage is so annoying now, ever since it got buffed, one time it's taken me like a minute to fix, after I sabotaged then, because my plan was to fix them right after I sabotaged them to bit look sus. And gee did they backfire 😂😂😂
yo i went on comms immediately and it was already perfect and fixed by itself. how rare?
Well in a typical random lobby, 3 people actually use the task bar and only one of them even knows how to use the admin table. Cameras is obvious enough that even players who got the game in 2020 know how to use them though so that trick is in fact useful. Oddly, if you play with the same 7 random people (plus 2 different ones as people cycle) for 7 or so games, you'll find people getting smarter. So if every player played one time a week, it seems like everyone would be smart enough for comms to be a viable sabotage. But then when you join a new lobby its once again full of people who don't use the task bar. Makes me wonder where you keep finding lobbies with people who don't use the task bar if it's shown that for most people it doesn't take too many games to learn. I wonder if anyone needed to make a kill in front of cameras of Polus and saw the cams on, decided to sabotage the coms, only for it to be a waste because the guy was watching a different camera and you could have made the kill safely and then just shut off the lights.
I found a flaw in Mira HQ’s comms and O2 sabotage, however, which I found using the information I know about the Polus lab door vent.
It is pretty widely known that in Polus, if a crewmate fixes the door from the top, they’re innocent (otherwise they’d vent from that spot).
Something similar happens in Office and Greenhouse when you attempt to fix their corresponding sabotages. In Office, crewmates can fix comms from where the vent is, and in greenhouse, can fix O2 from behind.
If a crewmate goes out of their way to do either of these, they are safe — otherwise they would have vented. If crewmates were to all apply this knowledge, every Comms and O2 sabotage on Mira would act as a med scan for one crewmate, making these two exponentially less viable.
Comms can be used to disable security
Fun tip: When you are imp and a crewmate is sus and trying to prove tasks that they are imp. Here is what can turn off comms that will make sus crewmate even more sus and if you do it a lot other crewmates will vote out the one that is sus.
This tip is good for imp who likes to frame crewmates
I use comms sabotage when the whole crew is done on task and is camping on cams lol
wait i often see people say “u checked comms ur the inposter” what do they mean by checking comms?
I think you made the title while you were drunk
Hi I love roblox
I play in a friend group sometimes with Among Us, and I always sabotage comms the most, using it as much to my advantage as possible. My friends always say its not very useful, but hey, this video proves my point.
One small overlooked problem: I'm the only one that uses it, so whenever I disable comms, everyone knows it's me. It's gotten to the point where other people disable comms as an easy way to get me ejected.