FAKE TASKS !! How To Fake Tasks In Among Us ! Among Us Impostor Fake Task Tutorial Guide! Fake Tasks

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Among Us fake tasks tutorial guide . how to fake tasks in among us . how to fake tasks as impostor in among us . what are the best tasks to fake in among us . among us faking tasks tutorial guide . fake task . fake tasks among us . among us fake tasks tutorial
Yes i need this
Your pog 😀
With these I will become cracked and no one should be able to beat me
Your close too 3k already
"I didnt include visual tasks" includes shields
But sheilds and empty in skeld are both visual tasks
Thank you for these videos bro. I loved them.
Small suggestion though, your talking speed is fast so I wasn't able to catchup sometimes. So i had to watch it again. Also you could sync video of the content you are speaking and that can make it easier to understand.
Ahaha nice job man I'll use these when I play among us with the discord 🙂
Watched this while taking part in a Marcus stream
I like your videos and they are very helpful:) keep going 😁😁
You put some visual tasks
Empty garbage in the skeld shows the garbage go out the ship if you look a little bit below with the yellow black door thing.
Shields light up outside the ship in the skeld at the right of the ship
Bruh. Nice. Among us really is popping off for us YouTube gamers rn
Very cool!
Great to see small channels growing from this game!
I need this because im always impostor
Hey, what does the top left “fake tasks” mean when imposter? Surely you can just fake any task so why do they highlight those specific tasks? Thanks
Who needs to fake tasks when you could just be a nice imposter and help out the crew
that moment when you get accused for faking a download task because the bar didnt go up and it's the first part download…… xD
great video!
You played with other crewmates and some BIRDS?
prime shields in the skeld is a visual task
u can see the outside shields light up if they do it
Me Setting Up All Task Short*
Also Me:See some One Doing Fuel Task*
Me:Emergency Meeting*
Thats was shit
. Ive only played three days and I know more then u
Start reactor is a good task to fake on the skeld, since it takes forever to do, and if you make a mistake you have to restart so you can reasonably spend a little longer there.
I fake long tasks and multiple phase tasks lol
Lol i got the imposter out because he took 2seconds to start reactor on polus
So useful
I remember when I was a crewmate,they said i faked a task in electrical the 1 2 3 thingy i dont remember the name it was frustrating
I so needed this
for the trash shute if your fast enough you can empty the garbage within 2 seconds
200 IQ
I’m so proud of myself I was the 420th like
Tips for ppl: if u see a person doing a task and then he goes away but the bar doesn't fill up means that he is the imposter
Please note that you shouldn't fake the empty garbage task as it will show you if you are innocent or not.
this map confuse me too much so i only play skeld 😹
the second trash task is a visual task, it is not good task to fake
But you DID include a visual task, Shields on Skeld is visual
Shields (skeld) are actually a visual task, the lights around them will glow brighter when its done
Everyone : fake a task as a impostor because it's impostor job
Me : fake task as cremated because I hate it
bo info on when task bar goes up and viduals..
What did u mean at 4:04? “Middle right middle left”. What is that the order of
106k! Congrats 🥳
I know I'm 1 month late to this video but If anyone see this comment could you please answer to my question? The question is: Aren't I able to do fake tasks from my mobile phone or tablet? Because I tried but It didn't work
Mark : empty garbage is at cafe
02 trash : *sad 02 noises*
So this is what he sounds like
Just something if your on navigation you can click the midle of the scope to INSTANTLY complete the task
I can fake visual tasks exept scan so everyone will clear you then they get very confused after they see you was impostor but did visual task
The common tasks that everyone has is:
Swipe Card
Boarding Pass
Insert Keys
so if you see someone doing wires but you dont have it they might be a little sus;-;
What is the point of fake tasks