FAKE TASKS !! How To Fake Tasks In Among Us ! Among Us Impostor Fake Task Tutorial Guide! Fake Tasks

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Among Us fake tasks tutorial guide . how to fake tasks in among us . how to fake tasks as impostor in among us . what are the best tasks to fake in among us . among us faking tasks tutorial guide . fake task . fake tasks among us . among us fake tasks tutorial



  1. Hope you find this Among Us Fake Tasks Tutorial Useful (: in my time breakdown I didn't include tasks which can vary drastically in the time it takes to complete them. For example Simon Says. These tasks are ideal to fake, as you can wait around for the bar to go up. ❤️ I also went about making the video with the assumption that visual tasks are off :)P.S here’s a link to my twitch 🙂 https://m.twitch.tv/marcus_k_/profile

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