VENT KILL TUTORIAL !! How To Vent Kill In Among Us ! How To Use Vents Among Us ! Among Us Vent Guide

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How to Use Vents In Among Us . How to vent kill in Among Us . Among Us Vent Kill . Among Us How to Use Vents . Vent Tutorial Guide Among Us . Among Us vents guide . This video is an Among Us Vent Kill tutorial guide .
Hope you find this Among Us Vent Kill Guide Helpful!! :)) i stream among us on twitch, if you’d like to hang out, follow me on twitch if you’d like to play or just have a chat, dm me on discord MARCUSK298#8964
Really good videos. Loving the tutorials. Also I was wondering on how to lock the doors to lock people in. Someone told me you could do it but idk how. <3
Great video really helpful
Nice video
Marcusk back at it y'all!!!! 😀
If u play with random people 7/10 of the times they will still accuse you without any information on ur kill 😀
1.99k 😳
You got 2k sub nice job man
Nice video. I have a trick for everyone reading my comment. If you are the imposter and the 2nd imposter is alive and only 7 people are left. Then you walk with 3 people and kill one of them so there are 6 people left out of which 2 are imposters. Then self report the body and accuse the other one (you can also take it on your life or say that you have a visual task). If the person you accused dies by voting then there will be 5 people left out of which 2 are imposters. Then sabotage reactor,oxygen or lights so that the crewmates cant call meeting and then when your cooldown gets over you can kill 1 person and you will win. This trick always works if you execute it correctly
hey man, it would be useful if you show the maps that you are explaining rather than random gameplay. it's difficult to follow a gameplay on Mira and you talking about venting on skeld at the same time. Simply showing around with your cursor on a static image of the map would be a much better watching/learning experience. Thanks for the great work, keep it up!
Nice Video 👍😁
Yo I've been watching your content recently and I love it! I've been playing among us and it is very addicting. Not sure if you remember me Lol but Ima try to learn how to grow my channel by studying what you do.
When i go to vent i can get out to other vent or move .. what are the keyboard controls for exiting form another vent?
This is underrated
I wish someone would vent kill me
(Not in the game though)
why I can't vent to other location? there's an arrow but I can't use it. how is that?
so like when I go in a vent if it’s connected I’ll automatically come out of the vent in the room it’s connected to? Or ?
How can i play with you ??
Easier way to vent in Mira hq: sabotage lights kill the door log fella go back to where you were and not only get away with murderer but prevent you from being caught later on
1:16 – What if they see the animation of the vent even if they don't see you hop in it?
Wish you would have spoken a bit slower and not jumped between the different maps while explaining. It wasn't really clear what you were talking about since the video didn't match the audio.
He has all my strats 🙁 I have been exposed
Vent kill is basically vent pop out kill vent
crazy went from 2k subs to 92k in a little over a month. congrats
this tutorial sucked ngl
Useless video
Lol i ruined the 69 comments on this video, there are now 70
Your videos are an amazing help my bro keep it up.Carry on assisting