Among Us – Easiest Way To Get 150 Kills & 500 Tasks Trophies/Achievements

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In this video I show off an easy method which will allow you to get both the 150 kills trophy as an impostor and completing 500 tasks as a crewmate trophy.


  1. It dosent work for me on ps5, is it cause there is no free play option there is only practice mode.

  2. I dont think this works on PS5 anyone, their is no freeplay, their is just practice 😢

  3. 14th of july 2024 doesnt count to the trophy anymore but otherwise works, so just fun bit useless

  4. Hi for me this isn't working amd i played like 40 games and i didn't get impostor even once can you help me please

  5. 21 july 2024: it didnt work, i tried twice in different accounts and nothing, i think they already patch it nt

  6. I’m looking at my stats and I have 511 tasks done but I still haven’t got the trophy :/

  7. unfortunately this dosent work anymore i think, for me, i have 95 kills legitly but this method won’t work for me, think it got patched after they changed it to practice and not free play, i gained some hope after seeing it worked july 4th this year but it’s already late august

  8. You could also just go into games and let’s say u need 150 kills , just keep leaving until ur impostor and when u get banned just restart ur game and repeat

  9. It's a shame that "freeplay" is gone and replaced with "practice" which doesn't work for achievements

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