25 Insane 200 IQ Among Us Tips to Always Win

Skip the Tutorial
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25 Insane 200 IQ Among Us Tips to Always Win! Among Us is a game all about strategy, so today we’re going over 25 of the most insane tips and tricks to help you win your first game of among us, as well as your 100th game as impostor. Among Us requires masterful deception in the impostor gameplay and big brain plays as the crewmate, so these are 25 among us tips you might not know, and how to use them to win a game of among us. Skip the Tutorial is ready to show even more ways to win against your friends in this 300 iq among us strategy video!

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Texture Pack: Vanilla Tweaks
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow his tracks at
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  1. When your the imposter and there is two crewmates just kill one out in the open it does not matter you win anyway

  2. Me who was already subbed: unsubscribe and subscribe with my left had

  3. To whomever is scrolling: sending you good vibes for the rest of the day or night. Thank you for reading!

  4. What i do is always try n stick to someone and create an alibi… Get split, kill then go back. So they confirm I was with them lol

  5. I have another Idea (if you are an Impostor): If someone says that someone is sus who isnt an Impostor kill the accusing one, so the crew thinks the accused one is sus.

    Example: White says ,,Blue sus." Now you (Impostor) kill white so the crew could think blue is an Impostor even though he isnt

  6. The thing where you can have an invisible name? I think they patched it 🙁

  7. When there's only three people left on a one impostor game, or five on a two imposter game, I have to say that lights isn't the way to go. Lights is way too easy to fix and very close to the cafe so people can quickly get to electrical and and fix the lights then accuse you. I think that O2 is much better. You have to go to two different places, and type in a long code in both of them. Gives you plenty of time for that cooldown to go down, and it takes a hot minute to fix.

  8. The only issue with most of these is some people find being smart ‘sus’

  9. I subscribed the 100st time with my lefty because im a lefty

  10. The invisible name trick doesn't work I am playing on mobile I copied it and past it as my name but it says can't use name:😭👿

  11. Thanks man so much….this is really helpful

  12. The invisible name did not work it said name refused

  13. No one noticed but the intro boxing guy hit the sub button with his right even though he said try do it with ur left😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. This is good for beginners exept for that tip with doing lights when there’s 3 left. You should do reactor because it forces both crewmates to have to go fix it where lights one can go fix it while the other spams the button. I mean lights are the worst thing you can hit. Here’s a order of the best sabos to do at 3 people left from worst to best: lights, comms, oxygen, and reactor.

  15. When someone vents but you forgot the colour: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU—

  16. Protip 100000000000iq trick: If you said he/she is impostor and no one believes you, you should said “I will follow him/her. But if I die, it’s him/her. I once using that when I saw blue vent in Medbay, I emergency meeting and said its blue. Almost no one believes me so I use this trick and everyone skip. Then, white kill me and my body being reported. They vote blue out. Then white being vote out and we win. UwU
    (Sorry if there mistakes cause I don’t so much about English cause I’m Malaysian.)

  17. Do y'all prefer to be the imposter or the crewmate?

  18. Skip, pls help me, I don’t know how to get among us on cpu and I don’t have a mobile device

  19. The same tulip eventually hunt because violet postsynaptically shock midst a illustrious felony. young, long-term swing

  20. He was using animal crossing music as his background music bruh is that allowed

  21. Unicode dosent work anymore, just tried it and the server refused username


  23. instead of sabotaging lights I do o2/reactor to get the win

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