Among Us App: Game Guide for Parents, Educators, and Students by

Smart Social
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The Among Us app is all the rage! But what exactly is this online multiplayer game and is it safe for kids? Founder Josh Ochs explains everything parents and educators should know about Among Us.
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This is outdated. Can You make an updated version for 2022.
I cant get in because of this ssn
To have a functional among us account you must hand over your SSN (SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER) or put in a valid debit card (with at LEAST a dollar). It will become an annucance when you must create a whole new email to play -_-…. can anyone explain a way around this?
The upgrades are usually cosmetics, some cosmetics are free, usually hats.
Do kids play among us a ghost apper in a house? Im scared
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First of all. Don't start doing the stuff again okay I was on your side but then when I seen you too many stuff with Tik Tok and then Among Us hell no b** no first of all the chat is nothing wrong with it okay because all you talk about in the chat is like he voiced is what is that who did it who did it who the Imposter hate yellow is the Imposter that's all they say they don't talk about anything else they also sometimes they say like hey look right now I'm eating ice cream a book I hear that okay sometimes they just fight I don't know like seriously that's all they do in the chat and by the way there's no such thing as like the killer like yeah I like your sister has no blood and it's not that bad by the way like you don't see no blood and it's not that scary it's a fun game to not scary and it's not wildin I show it to my dad at first he was like a what kind of game is that and when I tell him like I know you're supposed to kill the Imposter he was like oh no no Killers no yes and no no it's different now it's not about killing all it's not a bad game and he said like oh okay and he let me play with it my parents let me play that game it's literally the best game ever I don't know what's wrong with it you're just here to get Vu use when you're really just going to get bad reviews
I think the game should be rated 12+
I’m 9 and played publicly
hi Josh, i have a question ..wich video games would you recommend for kids of 10 and under ? thank you very much for making this videos!!
An I the only one getting triggers he keeps calling the skins you can by in the game upgrades
I’m 6 and played this game public
Stop lien
Im 7 years old in im good
Among us is only for kids who can understand it's for entertainment purposes
Im 9 years old i like play among us
But in youtube aming us have horror video
I mean among us
When the impostor is sus!😳
its safe its just bean murder not graphic
Thair is safe chat too
it is E for everyone
It's not dangerous.
sus!??!?!?! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
when the imposter is sus!1!!1!
"Among us "
I am a kid and I play it
Wer blod
God they really messed up….
I put my birth date (and i am not a child anymore) and still has parental controls…. And i cant disable them…
And why did they add parental controls anyways??
The chat already has a filter on it so you cant say something inapropirate, and the graphics arent so brutal and dramatic to scare kids..
(Edit:) Sorry for my bad english, english is not my main language..
I accidentally put my age as 3… and it literally won’t let me change it, I deleted the app (I’m on mobile) and it still said I was 3, and it wouldn’t let me sign in without guardian permission, and I can’t change my name or do the chat
People just date and are wanting to snap you and I deleted it because of that