Among Us New Roles – Tips and Tricks

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The Phantom, the Tracker, and the Noisemaker are here in Among Us! Here are some tips and tricks to use these roles!

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  1. Pro tip with Noisemaker, if you suspect someone of self-reporting a lot, then try to get yourself killed by them. If they kill you and immediately self report, they’ll essentially out themselves as there’s no gap in between your death and the report, meaning they can’t say they found you dead.

  2. Thanks for the tips and tricks I appreciate it! It helps a whole lot!

  3. Thanks, I Recently Reinstalled The Game And Was Wondering What The 3 New Roles Did

  4. Another tip with phantom: Never vanish on the walls as there is a change people from the other side can see ur smoke colour and find out that u are phantom and u have vanished and will report you out.

  5. 2:41 Instructions unclear, I ended up getting voted for appearing in a place where theres no vent

  6. also your teamate when imp your teamates can still see you even if you dissapear when phantom

  7. does the tracker track vent movement?
    i havent gotten the role yet

  8. Bro came back when he was needed the most 🥲
    Btw I would say the pro tip for noisemaker to not tell his role, that way when the imp kills him he has a higher chance of getting caught but it is also true that the imp can escape, and i also think that if you wanna avoid getting killed u should tell others ur noisemaker when u r not

  9. What I noticed while playing today is that some players actually didn't know that they can't kill while invisible, they try to do so and think that the game is bugged. Maybe this will help them if they never read the "How To Play".

  10. Hoping to see roles like Absorber,Sheriff,Medic,Jester and kinda others etc!

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