Among Us Tips And Tricks: Definitive Imposter Guide

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Hello everybody! This video is a bit different than my typical style but Ive been asked to make a tutorial on some of the tips and tricks i use in my among us videos! So here they are!!
Awesomesauce video! It inspired me to write this among us rap, tell me what you thinkImposter, imposter, you're the imposterPlease add among us to the smash bros rosterAOC's sus, I think I'll accost herShe paid for among us, how much did it cost her?Only $4.99 on Steam, what a dealThe world's best game for less than 1 happy mealI dropped out of school just to play among usThe game that's more wholesome than keanu reeves chungus
wowzawaow thank for the tips and tricks!!!!