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Today I will show you an easy method to spot imposters in among us using the security cameras and a little bit of detective work. If this helps you in anyway, let me know or give tips you know that helped you find them. Cheers!
Lofi Type Beat – “In the Night” Beats by Con
i did the same blue was with yellow but only blue came and then i found the deadbody but nobody trusted me cuz everyone is blind
Scripted match
bruh imposters can vent
there players r his friends
I am the imposter
Another easy way say red sus I'm gonna follow red and if is only 1 imposters and if you keep following them and if there no dead people it's red and red is the MOST common imposter Red = sus it works with any player
i love it
I always look at camera they dint now what em i doing😄 then its always pink imposter
my sister dont know how to play among us
im kid
its that simple?!?!
I play among us in old days I download today but my keyboard is not working plz solution🥺
But imposters first killing place is security. So what if we get killed? ?
When im imposter im kill someone in security
Detectiv skil
You are right but you need to explain your reasoning otherwise only idiots will believe you. All you said was black was being sus on cams
what if the impostor sabotage comms?
I m finding imposters like this only
ㅛ녕호엉ㅎ ㅓㅇㅎㅇ
why me
what if someone vents and kills black on nav
how da u get among us on pc? plz tell me
What if the person who named himself or herself imposter is actually a crewmate
Among us players are weird lol
Thank you man
When I am in security someone come and kill me always so what should I do
Wow bro ur the best now I can find imposter easily thank you so much +1 like
Very creative video. Appreciated. Please upload more videos. Thanks
First task done, now we need to know how to get the crewmates to beleive us
To catch the imposter from the cans that’s like I’m gonna do that
how red don't vote you in round 2
If someone is following you than that is imposter
Me using Cam: ok
After 2 minutes later:: i just got killed in cams
Wow your so good I will try it to thanks for showing 🙃
sus is the way to go
Sometimes imposter kil me in security
Look what green said
I think that's why u cant type with your
Own words🤣
sometimes, you might catch them vent on cams
if you see someone in electrical, go somewhere else, and return and see they're gone, they probably vented out of there.
What is they VENT?
Roles:imma end this men whole career
Why is Mattie look like SSundee?🤔🤔 (Confused)
Good method mate now everyone is always trusting me in among us now :>
U killed the person who was on cams first and then i veted in medbay and then the body got reported and my imposter teammate was covering for me that I did medbay scan