How To LIE as the Imposter (10 Imposter Tips To Help In Among Us)

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In today’s video I show you guys 10 tips to help you win as imposter. these tips will relate more to how to lie as imposter in among us.

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  1. I am best amongus I am never sussy I find the sussy I am best

  2. Seriously last time I was imposter then my teammate said it's me ;-;

  3. Itā€™s literally every time I am imposter everyone becomes Albert Einstein šŸ˜‚

  4. THIS is all you have to think off being imposter:

    1. Make sure you fake task correctly.
    2. Don't be by yourself to much try to blend in with the others.
    3. Don't defend your 2nd imposter if people accuse him that make you sus immediately.

  5. For number 9, when I do this my friends think I made a stupid mistake and let me go lol

  6. Bruh I canā€™t even explain myself because people vote in 5 seconds

  7. What do u say if they ask ''where were you?''. Thats my biggest weakness as imposter. how im suppose to just lie which room i was in when i don't know where the others crew were

  8. Once I caught 3 impostors in a match.
    Also Next match was 2 impostor gameplay so 3 people left and there were only 6 people so I vented infront of others and they voted me out. I told the other impostor to act that you sus (my color) when I got ejected my impostor buddy called sabotage and faked 2 tasks. Then he killed a crewmate in navigation but there were two crewmates . They were sticking one both was doing download task so he killed one and vented quickly to electrical (no one was in elec. When the other crewmates found the body they sussed the other crewmate and he voted out and we won.

  9. I'm a good liyer but like i play with people who are dumb I reported a body said nobody was close and I was voted out

  10. This helped with me being imposter I stuck with the group and I had a lot of vouchers and I found somebody alone and all the group saw them alone last time so they got voted this helps so much

  11. When Iā€™m imposter my teammate kills someone and someone reports Iā€™m in like nav with someone else and I say I was there and the other dude will be like I never saw you there like bruh

  12. This is kind of useless to me cuz I am unlucky so never imp no cap and second people hate me they just want to vote me third I uninstalled among us because of that


  14. Bro why the hell are you following them? Like it's so clear to them that you're the imposter, you're acting way to sus.


  16. Honestly all u have to do is act cool even when being accused and just ask the person why are they accusing u and the others will also question why and if they do not have proof u are a impostor they will skip and it works on both sides

  17. This worked so well when black was sussing me for killing purple in electrical I said I was in weapons worked like pure gold

  18. I have a trick once thereā€™s a few people left I like to Sabatoge electric with the lights so then people wonā€™t see me and Iā€™ll be bye the door s kill the people that walk by then I leave as more people come

  19. When you're imp and have no escape from dying, try to take a crewmate down with you by saying that he's your teammate, best tip to help your real buddy.

  20. What time when I was playing among us I was thinking to tell everyone I was the imposter even with no one suspected me I donā€™t know why but at the very last second I stopped and just went to the group who are they voting and then and then I just killed one more and I won I think I wanted the crew to win more than me even if I never won is an imposter but I decided to kill one more crewmember and then I just want Iā€™m not letting crewmate win I kill them I think thereā€™s a soul imposter I donā€™t even think I had a partner

  21. Never gave up because anything can turn up the last second you might not notice this when I wanted to kill someone when I wanted to kill cyan somebody called a meeting when Shawn was gonna die right now and one and we win the crew vote cyan for some reason and I donā€™t know how to kill him they just vote them out which was so weird I did not kill the last crewmember but I but Iā€™m pretty sure we both survived me and my me and my partner survived

  22. i searched for rickroll in disguise and found thisšŸ’€

  23. Bro today my teammate got voted out and I had to kill 11 people so j closed lights and use shapeshift and dint got caught used to be both in groups and both Alone so no one suspect me I then there was 7 people and i shapeshift and made up random suspect everyone voted them out and then were there were 4 I trie dto kill but there was a sooo big cool down and they called a meeting they said it's me I died I had trash and they barely trusted me so when we were 3 I felt like I won and then they called a meeting and they both said it's yellow 100% and then the other said yellow yellow boat gg then I said it's not me lol a d then purp said then who and I said " dint orange follow you earlier " and that orange wa sme shapehsifting lol and then orange said I never did and then purp voted orange and I won lol

  24. So there are two ways to use this video I can use it how it was intended and I can use it to see who is the imposter as well and who might be suspicious.

  25. Its hard when you're an impostor and there 3 left and the impostor is getting accused that the person did it what do you do to avoid getting voted out?

  26. In my opinion best sabotages from the best to worst are: lights, comms, o2/reac, doors

  27. I have my own trick when ur the first imposter to get ejected say "yes i admit and say pink and any another random colour are my allies " pink coz they'll thought u misunderstood between pink and rose and save ur buddy imposter

  28. Bro i tried these and they dont work
    They Just click the emergency meeting and say that im sus for no reason šŸ’€šŸ’€

  29. When Iā€™m crewmate I find a body THEY ACUSSED ME I BLAME MYSLEF

  30. Thing is I press the emergency meeting button when I didn't even kill like what is wrong with these people I didn't even get a kill

  31. The best time i caught an imposter in a lie? Basicly saw a crewmate scan then vent, so I knew they were an engineer. Later, said engineer was found dead. 2 other players claimed to be engineers. The peoblem is, there were only 2 engineers per round, and the only person i knew was an engineer was already dead, so 1 of the other 2 was lying. Tldr, when I called them out on this, the imposter immediatly rage quit. Lol

  32. when I am impostor, I try to act the same as when I am crewmate, I usualy ask "who is cleared" instead of straight up asking "who is the impostor" because then it gives more evidence than just "red sus"

  33. The last tip: Dont give up I Did the last restore method If it not them vote me off I Sab it but they called an meting I thought i was done for But just attempted to save myself i said "I Convied the one of the crew they will lose An I was by an meetinng room so I Said i was trying to called an metting an One Crewmate voted the otther guy so I won an he was impresses lol (Try killing smart playe)

  34. Donā€™t stand while sabotaging or the crewmates will know itā€™s u

  35. My tip during meetings:
    Step 1: remember how you usually act as a crewmate
    Step 2: act the exact same

  36. Once I was on polus as an Impostor and I realized too late that I had vented under the cameras. Then I went to security, killed 1 Crewmate and blamed the other. Once they were voted out, I sabotaged the reactor when the button was almost ready and guarded it, killing any Crewmates that were near it. Then once it ended I left the main room and sabotaged the doors, hiding in a smaller building ready to kill more Crewmates. Then another meeting happened and people were confused. One half-heartedly asks if I was the Impostor, and I said I ā€œjust donā€™t rememberā€. We skipped the vote, my impostor partner and I made our final kill and won.

  37. When your imposter but your other imposter gets voted out and they snitch and say your the imposter aswell

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