How To LIE as the Imposter (10 Imposter Tips To Help In Among Us)

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In today’s video I show you guys 10 tips to help you win as imposter. these tips will relate more to how to lie as imposter in among us.

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  1. Tip- when u use Sabotage donā€™t stand still cuz other players can say ur sus so to make ppl think that ur not sus keep moving around šŸ™‚

  2. Crewmates watching this be like šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ˜˜

  3. Crewmate: where were you blue?
    Impostor: Reactor
    Crewmate: I was in reactor and I didnā€™t see you there
    Impostor: I wasnā€™t in the reactor I was on my way there
    Another crewmate: I saw you heading to navigation
    Impostor: I had to do a task there real quick
    Also let me show you this
    Crewmate: I saw blue and red vent in front of me in medbay
    Impostor1: Iā€™m not the impostor I think itā€™s you
    Impostor2: yeah itā€™s not us we both scanned youā€™re lying
    Crewmate: I will never get outta this alive

  4. I have a tip: if you are Impostor, then wait until there are 4 people left. Then accuse someone. Say "if it's not him, vote me next" then after the guy who you accused gets ejected, quickly sabotage reactor, o2, comms or lights. Sabotaging doors won't work! Now kill someone and you should win.

  5. None of them worked for me
    I tried sticking with people and they still thought I was sus even as crewmate
    I tried turning against my impostor buddy but they still voted me
    The people in this game suck


  7. L.I.E means : lay down your trap / it makes it eassier to make them vouch for you / execute your plan perfectly

  8. 0:30 dont do that someone will most likely see you sabotage cuz most of the peoples stand while sabotage infront of people

  9. This isnā€™t for me being an impostor because literally when I give the most detailed explanation on who I think it is Iā€™m the one that gets voted off

  10. Once when I was playing only two crewmates were left and I thought they both were voting me so I voted myself too but one of them voted the other crewmate so if I never voted myself I would have won
    Moral of the story: never vote yourself

  11. What I did was staying in electric forever and I won šŸ™‚

  12. Everybody gangsta until they all watch crewmates do visuals and know the Imposter

  13. When you kill that one crewmates and then that second crewmates report it and then They vouch it as you cs the person you kill was their Siblings šŸ’€

  14. I hate being impostor because people throw on me at beggining

    And i hate being crewmate because i die first

  15. Tip I do this alot stay quite in crewmate arguments unless your the sus one. It works half of the time for me. It might not work.

  16. Another tip is to take advantage when someone accuses another crew
    When someone accuses that crew but the crew wasn't voted
    Use that as an advantage to kill in front of the accused crew report the body first and say "yeah u were right it really was (that crew) I saw (that crew) kill " The person who blamed the crew will say I told u so

    Although there's like a 50/50 chance it'll work but just incase u have to disagree with the accuser first and vouch for the accused crew member to make you less sus when u report the accused crew on being the imposter

  17. It doesnā€™t matter if you lie in the game all it takes is for some one to type two words ā€œhe susā€ for some reason people think sus= he Imposter it doesnā€™t it = suspicious

  18. (Me and black imp)
    later in the game
    blue:I called an emergency meeting because black vented
    purple and red:Ya we were doing tasks in admin and he vented right infront of us
    ~everyone agreeing including me to vote black ~
    me(Pink):SOO black..who si your impostor friend
    black:Im sorry white but it is white
    Everyone voting white after they voted black

  19. Malaysian Chinese accent always works
    go watch Epicism for Keat's tutorials lmao

  20. The problem I have in my group is that I don't expect someone to come and there's this one guy who somehow always knows who it is

  21. I was an imposter with three crew mates alive once. Time was running out, so I murdered my best friend in front of his girlfriend, and beat her to the button. Upon the voice chat opening, I immediately said ā€œyou fucking b***h, you murdered your husband right in front of me!..ā€
    I continued to appeal to the emotion, calling for vengeance upon the corpse of my fallen friend. Placing her on the defensive with a logical stance, I convinced the third friend to vote her out. I was ruthlessly mean, but I understood that my friends tend to appeal to emotions, rather than logic. I turned that weakness against them. In this scenario, it worked flawlessly. She and I are super close, and there were no hard feelings.. after about maybe an hour of sulking in her defeat I presume. I felt bad, I admit. However I maintain my pride, as I did what must have been done. KNOW YOUR ENEMY.

  22. Here are two more tips I think that can be really helpful. If you think they are gonna vote you or your partner out you both need to quickly figure out what I'd the second most likely option they will vote. Maybe another person that's sus or someone suggests to skip. You just might make a tie. Another tip is kind of risky but a guy did this in one of my games. They were all about to vote my partner and he told them the other was me. At first I thought he was outting me but what happened was he caused them to split the vote and then we got a double kill and won. 1000iq but can be risky.


  24. the thing is one of my friends was imposter 6 TIMES IN A ROW and we never suspected her any time šŸ¤” and with me I'll be imposter I won't even say anything and my friends will be like "I have a feeling it's her" LIKE MF HOW U KNOW-

  25. I have only been voted out when I was an imposter because my team mate rated me out

  26. Who would've know that being a helpful crewmate and actualy contribute to the discussion actually makes you sus. I hate this

  27. I love being imposter and I am a pro and I'm the best liar in the world. Every body don't know I lie in my WHOLE life

  28. Dontimmediatley sus someone. Use what you know, which is OBVIOUS but, more indeph. Instead of saying i did cardatasmin then navigation. Say i went to admin and saw **** then i saw ** goingleft to medbay then i went to navi and ** is cleared because he did asteroids. Also after you are cleared, when imposter, you should try to blame thw other imposter a LITTLE because IF they do vote ypur partner out, you have more clears because you sused him

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