How To LIE as the Imposter (10 Imposter Tips To Help In Among Us)

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In today’s video I show you guys 10 tips to help you win as imposter. these tips will relate more to how to lie as imposter in among us.

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  1. I lied so hard as the imposter in the skeld and I hardly talked and they still bought my lies (I said I was in security it's true)

  2. Iā€™m definitely not good at lying but I love your videos:)

  3. if I'm imp I more like to leave the group and not be with them and after I kill the lone one I will be near that place like if the body is in elec then ill be in lower so no one sees me sus

  4. Once I was the imposter and I killed someone right in front of crew mate I used the ā€œif itā€™s not him itā€™s meā€ line as a last resort and it worked. The next round they completely forgot about and I bodied them all

  5. I STILL DIDN'T WATCH THE VIDEL, BUT I'LL SAY SOMETHING! When i was an impistor and killed almist everybody, there were two crewmates and i was the only impostor. So they figured out that it was me cause they were staying together and when they called emergency meeting to vote me out i said. "GUYS! THERE IS A NEW TASK I CAN SHOW YOU. IT'S TO CLEAN THE VENTS" they didn't belive me much, but eventually they agreed to see me and didn't vote me out. So we get back to the game i get next to a vent and waited a little bit so that the time to kill, you know, comes, or idk how to say it. I started jumping in and out of the vent (XD IKR) And when one of them was about to call the meeting again i just killed him and i won. MMMH! EASY PEASY LEMON SQEEZY!

  6. I love being the imposter but I'm very bad at lying šŸ¤„šŸ˜¬šŸ˜µ

  7. hahaha im lying example:im imposter and i vent in cafe blue is emergency meetings he said is red me:where? blue:you vent in the cafe me:no,i was a clean a vent blue:what !!! White:what??? Me: yeah blue: thats a new task me: yeah trust me blue: ok he task skip me: skip and he trust me hahaha lolšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  8. Try to be scared of everyone or stick with someone they wouldn't sus you if you do that, but maybe you gonna get caught if you're not careful for kills

  9. Mom: never lie if u lie i can mever tolerate
    Youtube: this us how to lie ok

  10. Do emergency meetings, it really helps clearing sus. Why would an impostor do emergency meeting?

  11. Tip for u : Never sabotage while standing still like this guy did

  12. When you're imposter don't lie that you're a girl
    Don't say this "stop I'm a girl"
    Cause its like saying it plastic
    Plus don't say that he's an imposter for accusing you when you're imposter cause that style doesn't work now

  13. I played Among us badly, they could easily notice that I was an impostor

  14. Almost every round i'm impostor i always get found out so i give up and when i do i put in caps and do this: OKAY FINE IT WAS ME BUT IDC ABOUT ANYONE OR ANYTHING. bc i am very emotionial and hotheaded so i give up so i dont have to deal with it and i leave the game afterwards and so after that i leave my pc for 5 mins and go back and i know giveing up is hard and makes ppl feel bad after giveing up so… thanks

  15. The secret to lie as impostor is……..

    Just act dumb. Everybody will think your trolling or somethin.

  16. 04:15 I did that on polus and I was an impostor and I didnā€™t vote for my impostor friend and immediately they voted me out as being a impostor cause I skipped vote earlier and no matter how hard I begged, tried to not vote me, and talked them out they didnā€™t care they voted for me and I fell in the lava and I was the impostor and the crewmates won (I think there were only 2 or 3 crewmates left and 2 impostors but I was the last impostor and they voted me off or out)

    So that was my fault.

  17. When I was playing among us this guy used the last technique ā€œdonā€™t give upā€ and yet I knew it was hime

  18. I have a tip well tips if you are the Imposter turn off the lights and then kill and if you can stack killed by any means possible

  19. I literally admit Iā€™m the imposter because I know I canā€™t come up with a lie to defend myself šŸ˜­

  20. If I'm the imposter I'm good at "lying" šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

  21. i was going to type out an entire complaint about the clip used for 7 but i won't

  22. How to be sus –
    Not telling the truth
    Telling the truth
    Not talking
    Not sabotaging
    Doing tasks
    Not doing tasks
    Standing still
    Walking away
    Venting not venting
    Faking tasks

  23. Who else is here bc you always get voted out for no reason?

  24. People belike when they are on santas lap:i want a pony šŸ™‚
    Santa:hmmm how about something else?
    Them:five imposter games in a row:)
    Santa: what kind of pony do you want?


  26. You know you can walk and sabotage at the same time… Right?

  27. With this first one, my friend and I fell for it for a bit. But at the end, the impostor left only people who had been cleared by visuals, so we figured it out in the end

  28. this is why suck at being imposter its cuz im bad at lying

  29. How about having an alibi and kill people and they will trust u with out getting seen

  30. 8 & 10 was most helpful! THIS IS AMAZINGG
    now this is good as hecc-

  31. Impostor: "How do I lie on Among Us so that people don't think I am the impostor?"
    Among us gods: "ALIBI"

  32. shh thx for the trick to pretend im crewmate so byee shhhh

  33. Tip:In 2 Impostor Round,If You Get Caught As Impostor,Just Lie By Framing The Crewmate Who Accused You. And They Will Believe That He Is Also The Impostor. After You Get Voted Out All You Can Do Is Sabatoge And Make It Easier For Your Partner To Kill All The Crewmates And Make The Other Crewmates Suspicious By Sabatoging Doors And Trap 2-3 Crewmates Inside A Room. That Will Make Them Accuse Each Other And Your Partner Can Finish The Last Crewmate.

  34. Itā€™s easy to make someone trust you when Iā€™m the imposter I always make a Crewmeat trust me like if they were getting called out I would try to say their safe or something. Then I wouldnā€™t kill them I would keep them in the end of the game so now that they trust me they can defend me when someone calls me out. then they get mad and I get banned for winning. itā€™s pretty much evil sometimes thats how I just play as an imposter. When I play that trick people have trust issues šŸ˜‚

  35. Nobody

    Literally nobody

    Not even single soul

    :imma sabotage OĀ²

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