How To LIE as the Imposter (10 Imposter Tips To Help In Among Us)

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In today’s video I show you guys 10 tips to help you win as imposter. these tips will relate more to how to lie as imposter in among us.

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  1. * asks logical questions that I also ask as crewmate *
    Everyone: those were too many questions, you're süß let's vote her out

  2. When ever i killed someone i get nervous because i need to get out if the room in time

  3. In the beginning I was wondering when he was gonna kill someone and dip out👁️👄👁️

  4. "3:40"
    Happy to get Always Imposter, Unlock Skins, Mod Menu from 📌📌 😍 මට එය ප්‍රයෝජනවත් බව පෙනේ

  5. it worked can u like my comment ive been ur fan since day one ahhhh

  6. lmao not me searching up how to lie because my voice always gives it away🤚

  7. My impostor teammate snitched on me to gain ppls trust…….

  8. lol I get voted out for being sus when Im crewmate so help me not be sus as a crewmate

  9. Wait I’ve seen pineapple before had the same hat and same color

  10. Bruh im impostor and crewmate said if its not black vote lime they are so smart

  11. Good people like to vote you because someone said your name with no evidence

  12. Hey ur invisible ventable crewmate glitch WORKS FOR ME THX SO MUCH

  13. I’m always doing tip 9 but I blame it on my team so I get trusted easily

  14. another tip to not get exposed: when sabotaging, don't randomly stop walking to do it – pretend to do a task or keep walking

  15. Me when I get voted out as imposter:

  16. Hi I am new to your channel you look cool I play Amung us to I hope I kan see you in Amung us your so cool

  17. If there is two impostors you can back each up and both say you saw each other scan

  18. I saw a person in the game doing exactly what you said in the video and they won!

  19. I have a tip:if ur the imposter in a 2 round imposter and u will get eliminated say this: go kill them and say a crewmate so everyone will vot him/her off

  20. Join a friend. If you’re impostor ask him if he has Empty Chute. If he does, kill them, then tell them to do garbage when you tell others to watch you to garbage.

  21. I’m fairly good at lying. My trick is called TRUST ISSUES 🤣

  22. "Me being imposter"
    Overyone:so who imposter?
    Me:it was kokichi!!( mah sister)
    Mah sister:NO,I WAS NOT?!
    me:wow that more way suspicius~~
    Overyone:just vote it her
    Her:kokichi(mah sister use name) was not the imposter…
    Me:oh man so it must be the two of you!!
    Them:ok…it must be haikal!!
    Haikal was not the imposter
    Me:Nishishi~ waw what agreat game!!

  23. One time I got cReWmAtE and accidentally said to vote out green when I was supposed to vote out pink since she was coming out from cams and a corpse behind her

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