How to Say Amogus? (AMONG US) | Gaming Pronunciation Guide

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Information & Source
Among Us is an American science-fiction murder mystery game developed and published by Innersloth on June 15, 2018 for iOS and Android, and on August 18, 2018 for PC at Steam. The game follows a group of Crewmates who have An Impostor among them. The Impostor’s goal is to Sabotage their ship and kill everyone. Source Among Us Fandom Wiki:
Among us papi, uwu
sussy baka
Imagine not knowing how to pronounce Among Us…
Him: say among us.
among gas
Now you know
just hold your adam's apples and remove the n in the among us so it will be amogus and deeper
Amogus is right
What a moment somebody take my hand…
Amog us
amogus a-m-o-g-u-s. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
Oh my gosh! You should check the dictionary first. "g" in silent letter in "among" and it among pronounces as "əˈmʌŋ" so, it should be ended "ŋ" sound, as a result, it's " A-monŋ-us, not gas !
Go and check phonetic sign pls! You totally mispronounced it ! thanks
He’s not saying it right
amogus head
Amogus sus
wHeN iMpOsTeR iS sUs boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
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