HOW TO WIN AS CREWMATE (Beginner’s Guide) | Among Us

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Thanks for stopping by! This is a very basic guide to playing crewmate in Among Us. With the massive amount of attention this game has gained in just a few weeks I thought it would be good to share some knowledge with the newbies. Everything that I considered to be fundamental to winning has been discussed thoroughly in the video. I hope you learn and grow from the information you’ll gain here. For my veterans, if there is anything I missed, be sure to leave a comment about it below to spread the love. I will be making an advanced guide in the nearby future that will cover a lot of strategies that I didn’t cover in this video, so keep that in mind when you leave criticism. Thanks again for clicking on, and have a great day!
~Music from the video~
Song 1: Marin Hoxha & Chris Linton – With You [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream:
Song 2: Aero Chord & Anuka – Incomplete [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream:
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No one believes me 🙁 also when I find, basically the games depends on the players you play with (some are really foolish and do not trust and few have the brains)
Well if I ever actually play I’ll be able to kick some serious butt, thank you
Hey when ya releasing the other guides? According to your replies to other comments the advanced guide should’ve been out a week ago :(.
Aye the 5th viewer, and the first comment 😀
Activate Windows pls 😂
Great guide! When do you think you can release the advanced guide? And are you ever releasing an Imposter guide?
Great Video!
For the Sake of the algorithm I love this content!!
Instructions unclear. Received impostor invitation as their third member.
i don`t know where, but i think it would be good to say some things, like if one person has keys all have or some 2000 iq facts lmao
Yoo I just learned how to sweat like those steamers playing Among Us.
Thanks for the guide mate I'm getting better from it
i dont know how but this strategy works very well, keep making the tutorials and everyone will be great at the game
activate windows please just please
You should do impostor tips im always the first one to be voted out
Thanks man I got this game a day ago, I'm a littlee late but hopefully Ill be okay
wait hol up
i do the exact opposite of everything.
is that wrong?
Schlime your the best
At 2:40 you say that shields is exclusive to skeld, but mira has shields too.