I didn’t know my 10 y/o Nephew got BETTER THAN ME | drawing Among Us – part 2

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My 10 y/o Nephew is actually better than me :O this is part 2 – my side 😉
Find me there too:
@thekauczuk on Insta, TikTok
#asmr #drawing #amongus
100 juta
What is this colour name
WTF why is he so good at tjis
you not 10 y
U 🏆 🎉
Bro did a new style😂
U draw better and stop being a pick me
yours is better🥲
fake among us was made in 2018 it is 6 year old but you 10 year old mantle among us was made in 6 year old youd made the drowning 10 year old fool
Omg you so good
It’s a tie
Old is gold 😢
but your brother draws with pencils, you draw with felt-tip pens, and if you give him these pens, the room will do the same.
@syrup3586 how do you know that he has a choice you can't hear them talking because they have music
I love how this guy gives his nephew the hype even though his nephew didn’t do better
bor you hot mespellingbro wrong
You wins
I’m i the only person who is getting triggered by the sound😅
What You color 7 You pen
That looks nice bro good job I’m a subscriber
C quoi la marque des crayons 😅
Me caes bien 😎😊
Moi je sui dessinateur professionnel jai 11 ans
Incroyable le 2em
Nephew Me?
👇 👇
Green pls
your nephew won
ta bien
Both looks cool
How the actual f*ck did you do that shine?
I love so much thé détails
I think you’re nephew won by a lot
What markers do you use
he is just being nice
Your better than but I’m so impressed he’s good
Нечестно!тебе разрешается использовать маркеры а ему нет.
Не честно! Он рисует маркерами а брат карандашами!
you win
Elsa pls 😢😭😭🥺🤧😩😫😣😿💙🩵👉👈🙏
It is very nice 👍🏻🙂🎉❤