I didn’t know my 10 y/o Nephew got BETTER THAN ME | drawing Among Us – part 2

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My 10 y/o Nephew is actually better than me :O this is part 2 – my side 😉
Find me there too:
@thekauczuk on Insta, TikTok
#asmr #drawing #amongus
That's amazing for a 10 year old I'm 10 and I can't draw well 😅
Nephew won that fr fr no diff
💯 /💯💯
Part 3 for complete arts
His gay
Perfect loop didn't exi-
Kid is really solid, I saw the other video, but you smoked him
You so good
amun gus
Let's be real here, the ten year old won, no questions asked 🏆
nom crayon pls
It looks real
The sky is blue
you esaly won
I wonder i can draw like this ❤❤
You lose
Bro your visor kinda looks like a galaxy phone wallpaper bro 10 year old 9 out 15 you 14 out 15 get it tie 👔
Your nephew do be clean at colouring❤
Если пацан 10 летний то он лучше нарисовал чем 30 летний
Nice 😅
1 amogus-plush 2 amogus-ultra realistic
what Is the name of the first red colour
u won not ur brother o sis
Ti je me famastera normal çe emojsh ma mir
Wow amazing👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥👑👑👑
Sussy baka
Why has bro got so many nephews
Your nephew got rizz
your commente techniques pleas
2 mıq
You real y won this time
Bro you are a professionel painter
Eres un pro
I hope elder artist wins❤