I didn’t know my 10 y/o Nephew got BETTER THAN ME | drawing Among Us – part 2

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My 10 y/o Nephew is actually better than me :O this is part 2 – my side 😉
Find me there too:
@thekauczuk on Insta, TikTok
#asmr #drawing #amongus
bros colouring is realistic man mine is just 3 minute old work
Bruh I can't even draw better than anyone of u I would say u win but to make ur nephew happy he won
You win/beat your nephew
Girl you win definitely 🎉
как красиво. ты лучшая
Tell me how to colour so well without making the paper peel off T-T
quero parte3 disso
bro he incinerated nuked destroyed blowed up and emeregd victory over his nephew
Good 👍
Eu quero parti 2.
عندك جارتك
you you you you you
You win
I love kauczuk side
ur 10 yr old nephew is way more better than u
Yours is good
You 100%
This doesn't belong in ur house! It's supposed to be in a art gallery! Poor guy's head probably got blasted out once he saw it😂. I don't believe it. You guys are amazing❤❤
I love it so much
What is the brand of alcohol pens? pls ?
The kid won like come on!!!🎉😂
you demolished your kid
Ur nephew won no diff 💯
not true
so ur better
Lose what
POV:whoever draws something sus is sus irl😂😂
i love you'r draw (:
10 year old draws better than me I can't even draw a good spiral
U win bruh
All I want for Christmas
Is youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Ur the winner
Nephew Exit The Game
its the way she was going back and forth when there was only one side left. No fair u gave him color pencils but u used posca markers
Bro humbled that kid
so nice 👌
Oye me enseñas hacer eso
someone turned on rtx
What shit
O you
Bro have unlimited napews☠️
10 year old IS winerrrrrrrr