Imposter Glitch #amongus

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  1. I understand sometime they just teleport idk but it really annoies me is it a glitch or they hack idk …

  2. Broo it was Among us mode Hide and seek❤😂😂😂

  3. The same thing happened to me when red was gping fast throught the entire map

  4. 💀💀💀☠️☠️🤐🤐🤐😵😵🤯😨😨😱😱😱😱👀👀👁

  5. Glich to hamare sath hua tha sare doors closed the or impo was going through the doors

  6. Chamo ese Avatar de soldado es igualito al que yo tenía

  7. Black got it worse than McDonald's Wi-Fi 💀💀💀💀

  8. When I was playing i can't report dead bodies and press emergency button

  9. When i was playing in 2021 (i was 8/7 that time) orange appeared he just casually teleports in front of me like it’s normal and then black starts walking through walls and a red starts flying in space he wasn’t moving he was like moving but wasn’t but then i start getting killed by a person that wasn’t even there-

  10. this happens to me all time the kill range is just far

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