Polus Map Guide – Among Us

Jack Benci
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A big thank you to Zombie Rummager for his permission to make a similar style video! You can find it here:
Here is my commentated overview of Polus, along with some comments on the rooms of the maps, tips and tricks and some advice on winning your games!
Introduction – 0:00
General Overview – 1:00
Dropship – 3:48
Electrical – 5:05
Security – 7:12
Oxygen – 8:48
Boiler Room – 10:31
Communications/Weapons – 11:57
Office – 14:32
Admin – 17:10
Decontamination/Specimen – 17:45
Laboratory – 20:10
Outside/Imposters – 23:22
Conclusion – 26:43
Have a few ideas, or wish to join in a few games. The discord can be found here!
For any and all business inquiries, reach me at [email protected]!
Hold up, how can a video about Polus be shorter than one about The Skeld?
You should also include some tips about the map if your doing another map pls include these. These are so good if you can do it you can find imposter easily. first is common task. Common tasks are tasks that everyone has. And all the wires in every map are common task so if you don't have have and somone does it. Then they are imposter. Also in polus the keys are common tasks as well as card swipe and the card checking thing. In skeld of course wires and swiping card. In mira hq it's wires and enter Id code. So if there are common tasks and someone does it and you don't have those I listed above that means they're imposter. Another thing you should include is completing tasks time like some would take just one second while like download would takes 9-10 seconds another thing is knowing what task are where like in skeld if someone a the start of the game goes and does upload in admin. You need to do download first. So imposer. You can make your own strategy. So you should look up about tasks. Bcz it helps alot as imposter you know how to fake tasks and as crewmate catch them faking tasks and also in skeld in reactor the divert power to it the module is fake! It's just for looking purpose it's not an actual task so if someone is doing it they are imposter. So hope you include them in next videos. Like to make him see pls.
You should also include some tips about the map if your doing another map pls include these. These are so good if you can do it you can find imposter easily. first is common task. Common tasks are tasks that everyone has. And all the wires in every map are common task so if you don't have have and somone does it. Then they are imposter. Also in polus the keys are common tasks as well as card swipe and the card checking thing. In skeld of course wires and swiping card. In mira hq it's wires and enter Id code. So if there are common tasks and someone does it and you don't have those I listed above that means they're imposter. Another thing you should include is completing tasks time like some would take just one second while like download would takes 9-10 seconds another thing is knowing what task are where like in skeld if someone a the start of the game goes and does upload in admin. You need to do download first. So imposer. You can make your own strategy. So you should look up about tasks. Bcz it helps alot as imposter you know how to fake tasks and as crewmate catch them faking tasks and also in skeld in reactor the divert power to it the module is fake! It's just for looking purpose it's not an actual task so if someone is doing it they are imposter. So hope you include them in next videos. Like to make him see pls.
You should also include some tips about the map if your doing another map pls include these. These are so good if you can do it you can find imposter easily. first is common task. Common tasks are tasks that everyone has. And all the wires in every map are common task so if you don't have have and somone does it. Then they are imposter. Also in polus the keys are common tasks as well as card swipe and the card checking thing. In skeld of course wires and swiping card. In mira hq it's wires and enter Id code. So if there are common tasks and someone does it and you don't have those I listed above that means they're imposter. Another thing you should include is completing tasks time like some would take just one second while like download would takes 9-10 seconds another thing is knowing what task are where like in skeld if someone a the start of the game goes and does upload in admin. You need to do download first. So imposer. You can make your own strategy. So you should look up about tasks. Bcz it helps alot as imposter you know how to fake tasks and as crewmate catch them faking tasks and also in skeld in reactor the divert power to it the module is fake! It's just for looking purpose it's not an actual task so if someone is doing it they are imposter. So hope you include them in next videos. Like to make him see pls.
I have a tip for this map. The keys are a common task also card swipe and card scan so if you are a crew mate and don't have keys but see someone go to keys they are imposter and vice versa. Sometimes as imposter it says you have a common task but only you have it nobody else so imposters can give you common tasks that you aren't supposed to have. I got both imposters instantly because of this though no one belived me until they won.
thank u man
wow, this is a really good and informative video. thanks, everyday i learn something new!
The best map is polus, the 2nd best is the hq map (I forgot it’s name) and the 3rd best is skeld
All of these maps are amazing but hq’s vents are way to op and skeld is too small
The moment you said the admin vent is not that good I knew this video is not of the highest quality and turned it off.
12:31 60 minutes!?!?!?!
I think there was a new task added and it has to do with the bookshelves in admin
Worst Map. Delete this one and Skeld so we just have Mira 😳
Usually when I get better at all tasks on the Polus lap as fast as I can it helps me with The Sekld and Mira HQ
20:32 at least on mobile, you can do these wires from the other side of the left wall for whatever reason. It makes no sense, but hey, it's safer!
How do you turn on colorblind support?
17:16 you can actually hide behind the bookshelves and wait for an impostor to come out from the vent
Thank you! This helped out so much!
21:37 the map is always the same in the telescope and you always start at the same place, you can just remember the placing of everything and you'll be done way quicker
I will give a guide about self reporting, basically get a kill and vent out, after that go to a room near where you vented out. They will not think that you vented so it is a very good alibi. The reason why you shouldnt self report immediately is because someone might be on vitals. After all that run back to the place and report, you will most likely get away with it
I hate mirah, and I'm not used to polus, but polus is pretty good
Wow this is so helpful and underrrated
I play polus a lot but it's just so big
he's lying when he says the lab is safe. it's a death zone.
On Polus I always do my rounds. EVERY TIME! MAKE A PLAN! FOR EVERY TIME! I always go to the right, then middle, then left. If I have gas as soon as I get out of drop ship I go to storage because it’s right below. It is also 4 steps. Storage, right side of drop ship, storage, left side of drop ship. Keep that in mind
When someone is near imposter their heart rate goes up on vitals. So if you knew red, green, and blue were together and you see green, and reds’ heart rate is up, you know blue is imposter
Wow your underrated
Uhhh who else does the right sides task first lol
learn how to draw
This personally is my favorite map in the game sadly most people just play The Skeldmso its hard to get a full game of this map especially since more people play Mira as well
"Laboratory is safe"
What are you talking about I die all the time in lab and the bathroom vent is a really good getaway and you cant really escape if an imposter is chasing you
12:33 not minutes but seconds
O2 is weird cause on the map it’s say one room is O2 while the rest are blank which probably means that it is also O2 as well, but the boiler room on the map is blank while if you go there it’s says *Boiler Room*, but on the map it is blank, you might think it is O2 but it isnt
If someone dies on vitals then is instantly reported that means it’s a self rep
4:21 there is also this really cool trick on the keys to find out the impostor. The person who gets the first keyhole will be the first-left in the discussion time the person who gets the second, the first-right; third keyhole – second-left and so on. Whoever's keyhole is not aligned with their position in the discussion time is the impostor
What i do in polus is that i go to the left and finish all my tasks then i'll finish all the outside tasks and until a meeting is called, i would usually be camping vitals or cams. After the meeting i do the swipe and boarding pass thing since more people can see me do it and then i move into specimen room then to o2 and lab. And if i'm the impostor i would usually be in left in the start then be camping admin XD
specimen is a high risk, high reward place to get a kill.
What is the node under electrical area called?
Im trying to learn how to locate the map
i need how to draw polus
Skeld is best
hey so does anyone know what death valley in polus is ?
On Nintendo Switch you can press L 10 times on cams in Polus, and you'll be able to see the inside of Office and Weapons!
omg u have no clue how much this helps. every time i play this map i get called out as being sus bc i dont know the map.
A Download Data Guide for Newcomers
The Download Data Sections are
Electrical,O2(the Tree Room)Weapons,Office(the room with Vitals)And Specimen Room
The Area to Upload data is Comms
You know what to do if someone goes to Comms download data,
You forgot to talk about storage
Usually when I get killed in Polos its outside, and then the lights always go out on this map for some reason too.
One thing I will tell you (that you probably didnt notice in laboratory.) is that there is a hiding crewmate in the 2nd stall. lol
20:12 to 20:37 hidden crewmate