Polus Map Guide – Among Us

Jack Benci
Views: 45870
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A big thank you to Zombie Rummager for his permission to make a similar style video! You can find it here:
Here is my commentated overview of Polus, along with some comments on the rooms of the maps, tips and tricks and some advice on winning your games!
Introduction – 0:00
General Overview – 1:00
Dropship – 3:48
Electrical – 5:05
Security – 7:12
Oxygen – 8:48
Boiler Room – 10:31
Communications/Weapons – 11:57
Office – 14:32
Admin – 17:10
Decontamination/Specimen – 17:45
Laboratory – 20:10
Outside/Imposters – 23:22
Conclusion – 26:43
Have a few ideas, or wish to join in a few games. The discord can be found here!
For any and all business inquiries, reach me at [email protected]!
Do you guys like this commentary style? I'm sorta going for something that you can play in the background as you go about your day… Is that concept appealing to you?
0:31 Font?
nice vid and first pog
Polus was My favorite map and this has to be hardest map Player as crewmates to Find who imposter amd easier win for imposters the map was so large 😂 imagine How big next map update
The vent alignment: From Labs to south of labs to admin to near Weapons, so you can have an alibi ASAP; from one reactor to another; from elec to o2 and to west of comms; and finally, storage, outside comms, and office.
Polus is my favorite map but for me its a pretty hard to play as crewmate only vitals has an advantage plus more cameras
Nice vid dude, make sure to rest tho and keep up the good work
I like your videos keep it up
15th comment, like now for red to get ejected cuz they are sus.
Definitely the best map made. I really like that there are small buildings so the impostors can kill deserters.
Just a general thing: try to kill in weapons, storage, and comms. These places only have 1 entrance, can have the doors closed, and don't really have a reason to go in there other than the 1 or 2 tasks. Plus, storage has a vent.
i find it weird that a lot of inexperienced people will most likely kill on cameras at polus, so it's a great idea to hold left and down button and go to cameras without anyone seeing you, it makes it so that if the imp is inexperienced he won't know if he's being watched, i find most of my games the cameras winning me is more likely than getting killed
One thing you didn’t mention (Although it’s not the most well known) is how difficult weather node is on mobile, especially on a smaller phone with larger fingers. Not only does the little thing only move a quarter of the time, it’s also really easy to mess it up. Weather node imo way easier on PC. Really good vid though, excited for the next one!
this will help even though i only do skeld cos sometimes im in a discord and they choose polus
stop with the intro, that is what we want.
Very helpful tips thank you
*You should call emergency meeting over vitals if it leaves 3 people with 1 impostor, or 6 with 2 impostors, but if they're smart, the impostor(s) will immediately sabatoge.
My favorite thing to do with reactor is hop into the left vent, and then if somebody comes, unvent, kill, then re-vent (if my kill cooldown works), it bypasses the window, it's pretty quick, the only thing is when there's a group, you have to be careful
You keep getting into my recommended and I keep watching it
22:12 If you've played henry stickman and played the fleeing the complex, you'll realize five of the nodes are named after endings to fleeing the complex. iro- international rescue operation gi- ghost inmate pd- presumed dead ca- convict allies tb- also mlg was the fail from ftc that had the 360 no scope thing. just a little reference
did jack forget to do mira before this
the description says the skeld
i just figured out the color of the drill phone thing depends on your color
What you do is you get on with a friend, go on call, break the among us "no talking til the body is found" rule, and have 1 person on cams and the other on vitals. When someone dies on cams, the vitals guy knows and can press the button. If someone is dead on vitals, the cams guy can take a look around and make note of anyone leaving particular areas.
Lol if crew could vent it would be 1: so much more hard to find the impostor, and 2: so much easier to get around for tasks. Like on Skeld, I wish sometimes I could vent like an impo to get around to do tasks faster
I love your content its like something to just put playing in the background its so nice
Sub to this guy
This is my favorite map because I have great mechanics as an impostor and calling sabotages and closing doors can be used in very efficient ways. This map is also really big and the skill ceiling on the use of sabotages here is enormous
Important to note that since keys is a common task at the very start of the game, it can be an instant dead giveaway for the impostor. If you have it as a crewmate, and you see someone not do it at the start, they’re an impostor. Same vice versa, if you don’t have it but someone else does do it, they’re an impostor.
I love this map! Thanks!
jack benci we should collabe
Hi jack i love your videos, could i play with u sometime?
It would also be great if in the conclusion you could add a map of polus depicting all the vents, camera areas, common tasks, wiring tasks, vent connections etc
I like his voice and he deserves more views and subs
I feel like with this map, everyone completing tasks is almost impossible. Honestly stay alive and clear people should be the real goal
There should be an underwater map