Top 10 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro

Clash Universe
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Top 10 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro
Win by completing tasks to prepare the ship or ejecting all imposters
React quickly to find the imposter
Check the admin map and security cameras to keep tabs on other Crewmates
Very true but I'm going back and I have no clue how much is the only thing that has a lot to do with the family
I know all of these tricks
I like stack kill
I like stack kill
It helped me a lot🤣
1:11 he’s not an imposter, what the hell are you on? You are the imposter, and he’s not the other one.
These are not tips instead it is common sense and also you missed 1 visual task
I did it
5:12 When you spot and kill a cockroach and dozens come out right after.
on polus if you do the connecting task the little sticks match your among us charater
your color
You are teaching me
If u open sabotage map you can still walk!
Where's the shields visual task
These tips and tricks help me a lot, I always play with my friends and I always use these tips and tricks and always beat them!
That’s pandu
If the host disables visual tasks, no animation is shown for any of the tasks. So check the settings while waiting to start.
You forgot shields. There's lights on the side of the ship that lights up.
shields is a visual task too
half the stuff ur showing i feel most people already know
Core_cyber on Instagram reactivated my disabled account successfully..
If only you know how happy I am movingcyber helped me to unlock my iPhone thank you very much bro. You're the best ever
If only you know how happy I am movingcyber helped me to unlock my iPhone thank you very much bro. You're the best ever
pls anyone tell me how to play free among us on pc! thx
All thanks to Core_cyber on Instagram he got mine fixed permanently I sincerely appreciate the good work.
All thanks to Core_cyber on Instagram he got mine fixed permanently I sincerely appreciate the good work…
there is another task we can see he is a crewmate
technigily o2 needs one person since one person can do both o2 stuff
2:27 has anyone noticed that he is crewpostor rn !?
How can I improve being an imposter? I am not good at lying or killing somebody smoothly.
I know all of this tips and tricks
Did u know that Shields is a visual task
Thank you i need help because I always get caught in impostor
And shelids
light blinks out.
Light suddenly blinks
Me: Oh shit.
12:13 bruh i used to do that but i found out that your the first one they see on the body like if you agree
Also there’s one animation task in shields, the light one
I Am Impostor If Someone Caught Me In The Security If The Crewmate Saw Me Vent And I Sabotage In Security And I Walk In Hallways And Kill Him And I Win Muahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahaha
I found how to do swipe card just swipe but do not let it go for 2 or 3 secs and then swipe is done
How to stop commas sabotage
When a player does the shields task,the lights on the right of the room lights up.
Omg I Love your video on among us because I love to become better
Bonus tip from me : If your with someone and people see you with them try not to kill them. Killing them will make you lose because they clearly saw you with them.
I did this mistake alot before and lost many games as an imposter. It mostly happened because 2 people would go do tasks while I staying at cams with another crewmate because I thought if I go with them then they would realize im imposter because I can't to do tasks.