Top 10 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro

Clash Universe
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Top 10 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro
Win by completing tasks to prepare the ship or ejecting all imposters
React quickly to find the imposter
Check the admin map and security cameras to keep tabs on other Crewmates
Shield has a animation too on the right un bright thing it will glow when someone dose shields and finishes
sorry this didnt help
Your really smart
Ummm duh worst video ever
Clash said that if Crews fails to complete emergency tasks, Imposters win the game. Emergency task means calling a critical sabotage, which includes Reactor Meltdown and O2 Depletion. They both have a timer to fix the sabotage, so if Crewmates fail to fix it within that time, ten what you know, Imposters win the game.
If u wear a flamingo hat in your dead the Flamingo smile face will change
I’ve heard a myth that if you sabotage doors in electrical all the doors get sabotaged.
Also I have been told there is a separate panel for reactor sabotage in bottom.
I love your videos 😍
1:55 is partially true because during game settings the host can set up the settings to task bar updates only during meeting
I love the tricks 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Shelid is a vurchel task
When you vent your kill cooldown numbers stop
You forgot that shields light up when crewmates do the task 🙂
u the best tips
He forgot shields
Not always you
can change it to "meetings" and "always"or
ever since i watch this i use this and i won three times in a row me lang nakakakita thanks
Pls make more vid
Clash universe: the r 3 animation based tricks to find the imposter
Prime Shields task: I'm I a JoKe To U
Your Iq: 100000000000
Our Iq. 100
We can see a task done by ghosts but only one visual task by one ghost
Sheilds is also visual
3.62 million subscribers and you still use the same background song in every video? Seriously?
You can see
If you did not know
Careful enemy also watching this
You forgot sheilds 1:35
There was like 3 of these that not LITERALLY EVERYONE knows
I love your tips and tricks for among us
I was DRAX I think 🤔
Wow this is amazing this might be a double colour do you
The sheilds are also a visual task
Good vid
We manage to make a Amung us map on fortnite. So much fun! Check it out
this was EXTREMELY useful
This video has 1080 p
I know all
Is this the video laurenzside watched?? 🤣🤣
He forgot shields
1:10 why is clash imposter when draw is faking a task?
You forgot about shields as a visual task.
0:50 there is 4 with the lights at shields
The O2 sabotage task requires 1 person aswell because what if nobody fixes O2 besides you? Only you would fix them. I’ve done it myself.
But the camera trick…security trick where you close the door and vent CAN backfire…if there was two people in security then your done so make sure to double check by another trick he taught us you need to keep an eye on top of elec when you vent from med to security
Friends help me please get to know someone on AMONGS but he's gone how can I get it back its name In Amung S …. not me…….my name is……..My real name is Kyung Mee, I am from Korea if you are here please say it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Is it me at is all this just comon on sence
I know the second one