Top 50 Tips & Tricks in Among Us Compilation | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro

Clash Universe
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Top 50 Tips & Tricks in Among Us Compilation | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro
Win by completing tasks to prepare the ship or ejecting all impostors
React quickly to find the imposter
Check the admin map and security cameras to keep tabs on other Crewmates
𝓑𝓻𝓸….. 𝓟𝓾𝓫𝓰 𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴…. 𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓹𝓾𝓽 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓸𝓼 𝓸𝓷 𝓹𝓾𝓫𝓰
It's ez on the comms
They will know if they have a pet
😳 so this is why smajor so good at this game
Very very very good for my among us
So I downloaded on Among usagain but the stupid update did not let me
Clash does not want to talk about that "you can see if your imposter friend kill someone you can know"thingy it did not work
trick in electrical kill a crewmate then go to sucurity then close the doors then go to the electrical to proof your a crewmate
Please tell us how to clear all the astroids
Amoug us is my favourite game and my mom does not let me just to work at home
6:26 call for a comms sabotage
Captions: call for a calm sabotage
cool tricks i loved the venting at three people
That is amazing because there's a lot of things you can do but the ways to do of Among Us😌😌😌❤❤❤❤❤❤💛💛💛💛💛💛
9:19 It didn't blink
well for mine the new update is well… horrible
10:13 before I see this video I already do the same thing from this task cuz when I realized that this take one minute I have to go finnish other task soo when it's one minute already I have to go back at medbay
What about pubg movie
Omg 😱
I appreciate all of this, but how do I actually get people to believe me???
I love your channel
That was amazing thank you so much. Can you do another one????
1. Start reactor s easy,and fun to me
2. Why would you want to X out of it to do it again??? Your just wasting more time making you.more venerable to imposter???
WAIT! If you kill someone, you have to wait for the cool down. The limit is ten seconds, and the time doesn’t go down in a vent. I don’t understand how you showed us it here, but yeah.
Learn which tasks has animation on it like Medbay scan,Trash and Asteroids
hey your cool
5:19 I already knew it
Too many Naruto References
Sooooooo wene i fiks the sabotas it's realy hard
9:04 or maybe 3 impostors
I knew from the start that Kakashi was the imposter
Bro thanks for all of this now I'm a good detective and a good imposter
Clash, I use the the trick to fix commms
I love your tips and tricks makes me a lot better at playing my favourite game among us and by the way I am subscribed your videos are so good
6:29 smart kids be like: you don't trick me I remember ALL my tasks
In electrical kill in the hall way and then do the lights and then a cruemate comes then blame the cruemate
Among us is so bad now who likes it
Imagine you already knew all of these tricks and wasted your time lol
You are helping the IMPOSTERS
Your a pro
Can you make more tips
This is what happens with me…..
Suppose Black vented…
I call a meeting
Everyone asking what or why…
I forget the color….But…
Sometimes I just randomly blame the one who vented (black) and he turns out to be the imp.
Ok IKnow how to play a mongoose