Alabama – Angels Among Us (Official Video)

As featured on Greatest Hits Vol. III. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes:
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I was walking home from school, on a cold winter day
Took a shortcut through the woods, and I lost my way
It was getting late, and I was scared and alone
But then a kind oldman, took my hand, and led me home
Mama couldn’t see him, oh but he was standing there
And I knew in my heart, he was the answer to my prayers
Oh I believe there are, angels among us
Sent down to us, from somewhere up above
They come to you and me, in our darkest hours
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love
When life held troubled times, and had me down on my knees
There’s always been someone, to come along, and comfort me
A kind word from a stranger, to lenda helping hand
A phone call from a friend, just to say, I understand
But ain’t it kind of funny, at the dark end of the road
That someone lights the way, with just a single ray of hope
#Albama #AngelsAmongUs #Vevo
sing this very week in church.❤beautiful
Randy has been an angel to the kids at St Jude Hospital in Memphis
Beautiful 👩🏻🌺❤️🙏🏻
I lost my sister suddenly in March last year. Then in october while in recovery after an operation i had a heart attack and ended up in ICU. My sister came to me and told me everything was ok, i would be alright, with her smile and red lipstick on, she even brought my cat sox who had to get put down the week before. I miss her sooo much. She was my angle that day.
I was fine til the kids started singing! Stop cutting the onions whoever u are!!! LOL
This song makes me emotional
Here 1.16 21
I believe…Aho AMEN
I believe
i searched among us and i found this lol
How can anyone not love this song.
My heart ❤ God sent us help even when we didn't know it
00:41 Never Give Up On Your Dreams. Keep Sleeping.
Dad we miss you…
Eve and I watched videos of Angels.
God Dad ❤️ miss you……
8/20 miss you Dad!!
when the angel is sus
I remember Randy signing this at Dale
Earnhardt’s funeral. A few days after that, Dale appeared to me <3
Touching for my soul and heart
I feel the same way when. They. Played this song at brothers grandma's funeral
Love ya'll! When I was overseas for what felt like forever, ya'll's song SWEET HOME ALABAMA helped save my sanity. I was surrounded by strangers, even my new husband. Few spoke English, & I spoke (speak) very little Arabic. It was a dark time for me. Ya'll's song rolled around in my head & heart to give me hope. Had I heard ya'll sing THIS song it to would have helped this Alabama girl (now 70) feel like I had friends.
Let this song bring comfort to all individuals and families affected by COVID 19. May your angel hold your hand and lead you home, wherever that may be.
Sitting here crying. If I had money I'd give it to you.
Thank You! Namaste 🙏
Thank u Alabama for Angels Among Us. It makes u stop and think about the words and how they affect each of us. I know it pulled on my heart strings.
Angels weep with us
Thank You for this song I really needed to listen to it today
There are Angels among us on this Earth if you do not believe now you will believe someday maybe not on this Earth but after the souls pass to a new realm and to a new understanding
My momma is my angel
when the pianist is sus!!!
"Among us" °-°
Very beautiful song and video it made me cry
I believe there r angels among us at all times! I love this song. Hits me in the heat! Alabama is the only one who can sing this song right!🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄
Dear friends,
How is everyone feeling today? I hope everyone's doing well.
A lot of people think that this song is just a Christmas song and should only be played at Christmas time.
I feel that there are angels around us every day.
I have experienced it alot in my life, but the two times that stick out the most are…..when my daughter needed glasses and we didn't have enough money to pay for them and some lady came from out of nowhere and laid the money on the counter and then just slipped away.
Than there was a time we ( my boyfriend and I) went to the Japanese tea garden in san Francisco and we thought we had enough money and we didn't, but someone paid for us and than just slipped away.
Wherever those 2 people are today, you are angels and l just want to thank you.
Have a nice day and stay safe.
God bless you all.
Would love to hear josh groban do this song
Today is 1 year since my daughter passed. 😢
First time I heard this song I cried like a baby. My mom had just passed away
To my sister Brenda, Happy Birthday Sis!…I MISS YOU SO MUCH, BUT I KNOW YOU"RE IN HEAVEN and I will see you again! You are probably one of my angels because you were an angel here on earth and I know you are near! LOVE YOU SIS..!
Powerful golden song about God.Amen
I want to meet more of my family roots love u father and merry parents of our saviors
Who is cutting onions?
Holy Spirit Inspired, this God sent song is a tender and powerful breath of Heavenly Air. Thank you and thank God Almighty!
Soo sweet 💖💞🙏💯
I sang this in my talent show- sr yr of high school 98- n had standing ovation!
By brother sent this to me….🥺
Their lot of turth in this song
This song just shows how much God loves us all.
i just love this song its really pull me special when i think of my famiy pass away
Just a big thank you from an old veteran who needed some joy this evening in my life.