Alabama – Angels Among Us (Official Video)

As featured on Greatest Hits Vol. III. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes:
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I was walking home from school, on a cold winter day
Took a shortcut through the woods, and I lost my way
It was getting late, and I was scared and alone
But then a kind oldman, took my hand, and led me home
Mama couldn’t see him, oh but he was standing there
And I knew in my heart, he was the answer to my prayers
Oh I believe there are, angels among us
Sent down to us, from somewhere up above
They come to you and me, in our darkest hours
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love
When life held troubled times, and had me down on my knees
There’s always been someone, to come along, and comfort me
A kind word from a stranger, to lenda helping hand
A phone call from a friend, just to say, I understand
But ain’t it kind of funny, at the dark end of the road
That someone lights the way, with just a single ray of hope
#Albama #AngelsAmongUs #Vevo
One of my favorite country bands. Even better in concert back when they were allowed.
This song gives me comfort we have a wonderful friend in the stage for cancer and hospices in and there are Angels among us and people that check up on us and I am so thankful for them and heavenly Father opening doors for great memories that are shared with us from him I have that everybody even not not during the holiday seasons remember how blessed they are even when it may not be good times they will have friends sit from above here on Earth to comfort and help I thank you for this so
When impostor is sus
December 16th 2020 sad month 4 alot of ppl…
I lost my dad 5 months ago today. And this song just seems like the perfect one to listen to today. I miss him more and more every day. My daddy is my Angel
Who's listening this holiday season? We truly need the Angels watching over us, for these dark days of 2020 have become somewhat depressing. Merry Christmas & may Peace be with All!!
I love Jesus he is the best person of life and let me guess your a Christian
Awesome thanks Alabama
Great Song! 🥰
I took a shortcut through the woods and Lost my way
I know this song is true.
Angel protect everyone over the world
Thank's ! 😉
This was played at the funeral of a pretty little girl, that me and my department spent over 30 hrs looking for, before being found, killed by a neighbor. I, to this day cannot hear this song without seeing her face and remembering that event. Nicole, you have never been forgotten.
Lost my dad last year and this song really makes me miss him!!
Love you.
I'm losing myself, I wouldn't be here without my friends. This song hits so deep
I'm losing myself, I wouldn't be here without my friends. This song hits so deep
My angel came last August 23 2019 and gave me a new kidney and who ever you are you give me hope and life again i will forever grateful and thank you is never enough to say to you
Evreone else: talking about how great this song is and the deep meaning
Me: the imposter among us
❤ 🌎 ✌️
This is one of the best songs ever written. There are some bad people on this earth but there are truly angel's among us🙏👼♥️
How come are so many people who dislike this song? Only explanation is like there are Angels among us, but also devils and they don't like this message of love.
I am this song makes me cry. Love this song
This song almost brings tears to My Eyes. Its Alabams best song They ever did.
I heard this song this morning and it brought tears to my eyes. My family has lost our father, step father, and now our mother is just the last eight months.
Keep doing what you do! We the people need more of this in our lives. Your tributes to play with the song brings an eye opener!!!
Love you dad
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas with out listening to this beautiful song.. 2020 was ugly, but this song reminds me there are still angles among us.
You know, for those who write praising songs to our Holy Father, you know, your songs to ask for the higher price ticket & to make your grandeur life style, using loving words of how our Heavenly Father could possibly give His Blessings to what?. Well, what is we really need to always come to realize is Who is the one who gives one the remarkable talent, and then Heal all our senses, and only by always giving our gratitude of the Highest Praise to our Divine Heavenly Father, who all of us brothers and sisters really should go to asking in sincere prayer just to realize, that without being a living person with all the incredible senses we have and then to think to accept that man-made dangerously mined colored metals that they had their paid miners blast and bring up out of our Divine Creator God's magnificent beautiful planet. So you see we were never taught the real truth of our Holy Father, Who had His Beloved Son The Sacred Heart and The Good Shepherd Jesus Christ come here on this magnificent beautiful livable planet to be our One and Only Teacher of The Way, The Truth, and The Life, for every brother and sister to learn how to, truly be a humble, like reborn student and to know that we were all born with that sin of Adam and Eve who were lied to take of the forbidden fruit of that tree of knowledge, which brought about the corrupt powerful world systems which causes all the oppression, intolerable suffering and force programming to defend the continuing rising prices, and then the so-called Christians also take every ones hard earned mined coins and stamped paper currencies to sell us what they blasphemy totally wrong interpretation of our Divine Creator Gods' Love, recopied and interpret from those zillions of sold bibles. And so by truly praying to simply come down off your high horse of that wrong past pride and ego way of not remembering that our Divine Creator God created on His only beautiful livable once Paradise Peaceful Planet, those magnificent families of every sea, air, and land creatures🐮🐷🐔🐣🐓🐃🐄🐖🐖🐑🐑🦃🦃🦌🦌🐇🐇🐳🐟🦞🦞🐝🐝 to live happily, free, and safe under their Holy Fathers Wing and so we then must pray to be as those humble reborn again students to learn from our One and Only Teacher of Peace and The Good Shepherd Jesus to eat what our Holy Father planted on This Holy Ground the fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts, and we must no more use that stolen mined coins nor the stamped paper bills to buy or eat the products of bondage and that everyday slaughtering and butchering and so no eggs, milk or honey. By doing this loving act for all life and their freedom you and I will receive our Divine Heavenly Fathers Greatest Blessings of Healing, to open up our hearts and heal and cleanse our minds to be forgiven and our souls will be filled with His Holy Spirit, and then we will be receiving our Holy Fathers' Blessing of His True Wisdom to then be truly witnessing Miraculous Blessings of our Good Shepherds Real Healing from our Holy Fathers Merciful Forgiveness and His True Blessed Peace for all brothers and sisters. So we come to also to understand that we were brought up to very little of the clear necessary facts about the True data & stats of how many newborn deformities both physically and mentally and the hundreds of diseases, some even fatal, and so now you and I can type these questions and be able to find out how so much of whatever each one of us can now come to realize of all past histories of ways of mankind's stubborn egotistic and unrighteous ways just seem to not have any solution to be closer to True Wisdom of what Blessing our Merciful and Forgiving Holy Father has for all those who obey our Divine Creator Gods Commandments, then pray daily to be growing and receiving the Greatest of our Holy Fathers Gift of the Holy Spirit to go forth and freely get out to share and we will be those Blessed Peacemakers that Jesus Christ spoke of saying those ones will be called the Children of God, We then to would want to go forth and share this Good News, which is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and we then give our Real Praise to our Most Merciful, Forgiving and Healing Divine Heavenly Father and His Sacred Heart Jesus Christ⚡️ Amen.
To the essential workers
Prayers to everyone who has lost a loved one this past year.
(Among us)
Lol jk
It's a amazing song! Wish you all a merry, merry christmas and an angel near you for all time oft your life🎄🍀
Thos song gets me thru
Absolutely beautiful and timely in this pandemic.. The question? How can I be God's angel today. Lord use even me..
I love everything about this song forever so sweet always ❤🎸❤❣🎸
This song came on radio when my late husband Frank Macklin died on June 2013
Beutifull 😊
This song is dedicated to everyone who lost a loved one. God bless. "I'm calling out your name tonight" by Richie Levoi
How this got nearly 5 thousand dislikes I'll never know…
This song always tugs at my heart strings…especially at Christmas!!…
My Dad and two brothers.
My family buried my grandmother yesterday! This song means so much to me this Christmas