All of the VISUAL TASKS on map MIRA HQ Among Us Guide

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Here is the MIRA HQ visual task video 🙂
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….so only 1 then
Shooting the asteriod lights up the platform ur standing on i thats a visual task
in a nutshell: only medbay
How to get 3 random pets pls pls pls
Yoo reeps do you have a fix for not hearing game sound ????
can u do a video getting all the seasonal hats in the new among us version ? v2020.09.1s
Bro how do you get the lumberjack skin
Hey dude how do u get the plague mask ?? If u know
Yo the free pets
actually the crystal one by the reactor is visual, you can see the crystals getting placed
3 random pets pl0x
can you show us how to get the free pets?
The flowers grow in green house
Hey there is the water plants task I think it’s visual but I’m not sure
Get this man to 1k subs
Sort samples diamond task asteroid task and watering can tasks are also visual tasks
Once I saw my fellow imposter faking shields on the skeld when the lights were off
The people should make a visual task for asteroids. The pointy thing will shoot. And that is how you will know. You know the top pointy thing.
Oh and I mean the people that made among us.
ok thanks
first results for the search: mira hq visual tasks list ——-LOL, just medbay