Among Us Beginner’s Guide in 4 Minutes – The Basics

00:00 – Introduction
00:29 – Game Overview
01:03 – Reporting Dead Bodies
01:26 – Imposter Sabotages
01:57 – Security Cameras
02:16 – Imposter Vents
02:35 – Emergency Meetings
02:43 – Playing as a Ghost
03:02 – Important Settings
So in today’s video we will go over everything you need to know to get started in the game. Up to 10 players will enter into a map and must complete all their given tasks, shown in the top left of your screen. The tasks are simple and include things like dumping trash, fixing wiring, or uploading data. While the tasks are being completed, any imposters that are posing as crewmates must try to kill crewmates without being seen.
If the number of imposters is ever equal to the number of crewmates, the game will be over and the imposters will win. So if there is 1 imposter in a group of 10 players, then the imposter must kill 8 players to win.
Once a crewmate is killed, their body will be left on the ground. Any player, including the imposters, can report the body which triggers a discussion. An imposter then can kill someone and immediately report it to feign innocence. You then discuss what you saw and can vote to eject a player if you think they are an imposter. The crewmates will win if they complete all their tasks or eject all imposters.
To aid in their task, Imposters can sabotage doors, lights, or communications to limit the crewmates. They can trigger a crisis like ending the oxygen which forces crewmates to go fix it or they will all die and the imposters will win. This gives you the chance to trigger a crisis on the other side of the map so you can kill a crewmate elsewhere. Keep in mind that Imposters can not actually do tasks but they CAN do emergency tasks to end a crisis.
But just because you are out of sight doesn’t mean you are safe as an imposter. Each map has security cameras in the Security room that can be seen by the crewmates, which will be inactive by default and show a blinking red light when someone is currently watching them. Checking Security often will help you spot suspicious activty, kills, or catch the imposters using the vents. Vents will be strewn across the map and only imposters can use them to quickly jump to adjacent rooms.
They will use these to escape the scene of a crime or secure an alibi. A player that uses the vents or teleports from room to room is most certainly an imposter. If you catch someone as an imposter without a body to report, you can run and call an emergency meeting and tell the group what you saw. An imposter who knows they are caught might try to kill you before you reach the button.
A dead crewmate can still complete their tasks as a ghost to win the game, but cannot speak to the other crew members. Likewise an imposter that was ejected can still sabotage the map. Anything goes in social deduction games, so imposters will try to frame innocent players or raise doubts but this is all part of the fun.
Two settings to be aware of are: Visual Tasks and Confirm Ejections. Disabling Confirm Ejections will not tell the group whether someone was an imposter or not when they are ejected. I recommend playing with this off. Disabling Visual Tasks will prevent some tasks from having visual cues when they are actually in progress. With this option enabled, if a player is standing at them but not showing any progress they might be an imposter pretending to do it.
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00:00 – Introduction
00:29 – Game Overview
01:03 – Reporting Dead Bodies
01:26 – Imposter Sabotages
01:57 – Security Cameras
02:16 – Imposter Vents
02:35 – Emergency Meetings
02:43 – Playing as a Ghost
03:02 – Important Settings
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Man this video was amazing for a beginner like me ty for this video! 😀
this really helps.. thanks
I definitely find not knowing if you got an impostor or not helps the late game feel more exciting. Once you know there is only one left it's too easy for survivors to group and not worry about double kills imo. Also just not knowing if you just lynched an innocent can help suspense a great deal
This is a really good tutorial, I don't think you missed anything 😀
Thank you
Thanks I’m really new
This game is the worst
im confused on the visual tasks like what does that do ?
Thank you this really helped
As an imposter once I go into a vent I just remain there. How do I teleport through other vents? Also, when you sabotage it just shows the map? That's not sabotaging anything is it? Do I have to physically do something once I click sabotage or what 🤦🏿♂️
Edit: I got the vent part. You gotta hit the arrows 😂🤦🏿♂️
Let's be honest, we all searched for this
Yo, that security tip is op
Awesome video. Now I can kill noobs >:)
Just played it for the first time and held a emergency meeting within the first few seconds Lol😂!!!👉Other players were probably saying wtf🤔!!!???
How do you vote?
I'm new to among us every one is talking bout
To be honest, I still don't understand…
Make tutorial on how to figure out that someone is imposter
Okay I'm dumb
I’m showing my mom this video
This game is so stupid i could easily tell them who killed me
Honestly i didn't understand
Great this is perfect for my sis!
My Problem is I try to Go in to a server It wont Let me in..
ou have been distartecd
Wait I played with drybear before…
Can’t the team just talk outside the game
First I downloaded among us cuz my friends wanted me to and is hard
Who else noticed such a rookie gameplay throughtout the whole tutorial?
thank for your help
I just downloaded the game and joined a random game and got so overwhlemed. I feel so old .
My kids want me to play this so I watched this video. Lol
I think I know how to win this game everytime, I havent played it however I see a loophole in the game among players.
#1 All players agree in a order to hit an objective. While each player cycles through on objectives. Then you could on the first or second objective find who is the killer. Players can deduct who the person is however through this system the alien can be caught rather quickly because they cant do objectives.
#2 The team agrees to never travel in a pack but in twos at all times. If one person is dropped then it must be the person paired with them that is the the killer.
So games starts, the player that must do the first objective must move with there "partner". If that partner cant complete the task then they know who the alien is.
The paired groups must move together bit separate and 2 paired groups must move seeing each other.
Group #1 task given 1 person does the task
Group #2 Watches group #1 and the single person do the task.
Group #1 and #2 are separated but paired in a sense. This setup is repeated through all 2 groups so all 2 groups are paired with another 2 group separated (separated meaning not ontop of each other) and these groups cycle through tasks.
I literally need to know how to play. That is the controls, buttons, how to move. You didn't cover any of that. Not much of a tutorial.