Among Us GUIDE – Strategy, Meetings, Settings and Maps!

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In this guide I’ve tried to create a pretty comprehensive jump-start strategy guide for players that are interested in either starting to play Among Us or for intermediate players wanting to better understand the strategy behind some common game situations.
Here’s a link to a fantastic written guide by LSV, referenced in the video:
Here are links to all three maps with vents included:
The Skeld:
Mira HQ:
0:00 Introduction and Basics
5:05 My Preferred Game Settings
13:45 Common Tasks – Don’t Get Caught Faking These!
16:40 Meeting Strategy – Numbers to Vote and Skip On
25:19 The Failed Double Kill Situation
27:55 Have a Map!
29:20 The Skeld Map Details
35:01 Mira HQ Map Details
37:58 Polus Map Details
43:35 Conclusion
Check out my stream:
Hey I don't think you mentioned this but comms sabotage actually disables cams entirely, so it can have some use
Among Us colour tier list when??
Not SL content but since it’s Dratnos I will watch happily. 🙂
how do i do mythic 15 vision nzoth among us?
No he didnt 💀💀💀💀
I've watched and played this game for months but I could listen to dratnos talk about anything for 46 minutes
The one dislike is the imposter
I fcking love you dratnos
i'd use 1.25 speed, 1.0 is too slow/boring in my opinion
I want to learn how to play, and this is really helpful. Thanks
45m? how? im watching this until the end
44 minutes ago? Wtfff xD
I literally searched this, and just found this video randomly
I laughed my butt off that you wanted to make this guide 😀 Thx man, nice to see you cover more than wow ^^
Is this a new battleground? I'm confused
Idk dratnos seems pretty sus🤔
So… what if I don't have any friends?
oh god no please at least let Among Us be free of min maxing
where is the link to import the map in my MDT ?
How to MinMax in Among Us
The common card task you can see where dratnos wanted to laugh cause he has seen grom try to do it LOL
People that big brain this game make the game unenjoyable to play or to even to watch.
Smh the 1% ruining another game with their min maxing /s
Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?
Do you play MTG? When you mentioned LSV I was like WTF
I watch his vintage cube drafts a lot
if you are in private game with discord, you can inform everyone on who’s the killer right? cause when u get killed u can see who kill u (ur char become ghost but u are still in game)
Friends… Fool…. I HAVE NO FRIENDS