Among Us Mira HQ IMPOSTER Guide

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Today I go in-depth on a thorough explanation of a general imposter strategy on Mira HQ
Disclaimer: This is my strategy from play the game, I know some things may be left out and I am not at all saying this is the best strategy, only my recommendations.
Disclaimer 2: The clips throughout the video were staged for the purpose of providing good examples of what I was describing for better viewer understanding (Except for the first and last clips)
Literally I've met people saying it's me when I DIDN'T EVEN KILL SOMEBODY
Good stuff
good tutorial
Yes Gabeeeeeee
Enjoyed the tutorial! And loved the video format/music.
Hello striker my boy
What recording software you using?
That's polus
Admin Andy
Doorlog Danny
Can i support you???
my mans deserves way more subs
i subbed and pls give tips as i stink in imposter
i always get caught faking gas lmao
great video 🙂
0:24 hello
MIRA's problem is that it works in 3 branches, so its obvious if you go somewhere and then vent out. Unlike even Skeld, where there are loops and ways to get out of a place
Has the game even been out for 3 years? It launched late 2018?
Reactor is just mira HQ'S electrical
I see Mira Hq as Moorhab
Hey can u do polus
This is so freaky. I was thinking about your last tip 5 seconds Before you said it out loud and in details (kill lights, kill whoever comes to fix them, hop back to specimen).
+ great video quality. thumbs up, my man!
All vents are connected weird
Congratulations on a new sub my man 🙂 This video was very helpful, well organized, and the editing was also really good as well 😀 The tips were on point, but I think you should've gone more in depth with the doorlogs, as alot of the people I encounter in pubs don't really know how to use them. Overall, good job on this video bro 🙂
Ty this helped a lot
After i do a vent kill, i sabotage comms, why? because sabotaging comms destroys all PREVIOUS LOGS! so they cant use the logs against me.
Great video! What is the song?
1:13 "fake the card task"
bruh the card task isn't even on the list, you could've been caught
I love vents on mira they go everywhere
Damn nice vid dude especially for 100 subs
Abuse the vents because 90% of people don't no how to read the door logs properly
This place got no automatic doors
Kinda sad
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