BLACK ADAM Beginner’s Guide – INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us – All You Need To Know!

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A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! Black Adam is an incredible zoning character, but doesn’t have many mix-ups. This tutorial will cover every special move, their meter burns, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! Black Adam is an incredible zoning character, but doesn’t have many mix-ups. This tutorial will cover every special move, their meter burns, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
Xbox 360
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B (character trait)
1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle (character trait)
f = forward
b = back
d = down
u = up
qcf / qcb = quarter circle forward/back
hcf / hcb = half circle forward/back
comment#11(wait he has hair)
Wake up
Weird to go back on these really in vids and not hear, "And as always STAAAAAAYYY UNDERDAWG!!!" *techno beat begins.
man, a 20 hit combo with super don't manege to get more de 50%, thats odd. I'm had a similar experience with Ares. Maybe this is the way NetherRealms used to ballance everything out. With Grundy I was able to make a 74% combo without the special, very cool stuff. Great video dude!
Yeah, certain characters (especially zoners) do very little damage when you combo into their supers. It scales down its damage so much that it's not worth doing most of the time :/
Just a way of balancing out the characters who do fine without supers.
agreed! For me looks like the super is a bad deal in almost all situations I rather use the meter on enhanced moves or on the wagger system to recover hp. If you see otherwise let me know, because supers in this game looks more useless that they were in MK9.
Pretty much. Only a few characters can really make use of their supers. MK9 had better supers IMO, but most people saved up for combo-breakers instead. That's probably why NetherRealm replaced combo-breakers with the Wager system (which can only be used once by each player). I think they were trying to encourage more supers because of how much they Hype up the crowd, lol.
good stuff! do Raven!
subbed 🙂
Ok! Joker then Raven!
@TrueUnderDawgGaming thanks for this video 😀
i would love to see a green arrow video as i wanna main him but hate reset characters hoping hell change my mind
after raven can you do killerfrost she is so least liked in the game and i want to see how good she can actually be 😀
I am very interested in Killer Frost. She has an interesting design that makes her seem difficult to use but that only intrigues me more lol.
Raven Beginner's Guide is finally up! Check it out!
Raven Beginner's Guide is up! Hope you enjoy 😉
Please do deathstroke