EVERY CHANGE to AIRSHIP from the “BETA” – Among Us – Gameplay Guide

Ultimately, after making the video, I wanted to know what you all think. Was it worth waiting almost 4 extra months for these changes? Leave a comment about what you think and hopefully you all are enjoying the new map as much as I am :)!
Also, strangely, I’m stil waiting on my invitation to the hafu lobby…. odd. So Corpse, Toast or Valkyrae let me know when you all want to play! As a side note, the Among Us stream with Jimmy Kimmel was great!
Finally, I stream Among Us LIVE with Viewers (and some other games) on YouTube MWF and Sunday from 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM PT, so feel free to stop by when I’m live. Hope to see you there!
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Let's not How Much Money does It take to Join ur CHANNEL
First i think
Second I Think Also Lets My Parents Said No More Going Up The Stairs Until You Learn How To Not Break Your Leg Also Worth The Wait!
Fourth I think
I noticed the cams change when I play it
LetsNot: Showels. Me: Showels is Shower + Towels :))
13th like and 9th comment- :>
Okie Dokie
Unlock Safe sucks, there is no way to complete it so crewmates might never win by tasks
I am a commenter
3:29 “it’s more like a BLT but without the B I guess” nah. The B changed from bacon to bread.
How to create an ladder animation (glitch)?
1. Click the Be_Impostor.exe
2. Sabotage the Gap room
3. Wait till the sabotage count to 1 or 0.
4. When the sabotage counts to 1 or 0, go to the ladder. Then tadah!
amogus uwu
I miss ladder dance
🪚 it
You still can do the ladder dance glitch on airship release freeplay only
1. Be impostor
2. Sabotage avert
3. Wait for the avert countdown to go 1 or 0
4. Quickly climb the ladder
5. A note will pop up on your screen if it pops up quickly click the x button and there!
6. enjoy
18th I think
Hi I'm kinda late
I'm 237865433th
I get anxiety from "storm missile" bc of stream.
Hi. It's me. Commander bruh. The inevitable commander bruh that is. I'm gonna guess you're like 30 years old or something am I right or not if not then 26. I am totally right.
Damn that Smooth camera tho
68th comment
We will all remember the well known “Dummy 9”… so sad to see the manz to go away…
There was also the change with the sabotage sound to be the original sound instead of the one from the trailer, but that may have not been the "beta"
Some how I can do the glitch lander again in free play by sabotage in gap room then wait until 2s or 1s in sabotage and use the lander and that it
Thank u it was good
You need call crash course and wait for it to go to 1 are 0 and use elevator
#k49among us sus
If cams stood the same in the "beta" I wouldn't be cams guy anymore :// xD
EMO BOI!!!!!!!!
I cant play it for some reason i opened the game and i cant found it i delet it and play it again i cant found it im really sad
Buk missile attack
Buk missile attack
Tripod : Hoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrnn
Ok The Thumbmail Is Like you got your Airship
The ladder glitch is still working follow these steps
1 sabotage gap room
2 go to the ladder up when it hits 1 or 0then skip normally importers win its in free play more I'm formation in youtubr
Im 57liker
Yes 17k subscribe so nammm will where a hat in among us