FAKE Among Us LIVE Streams NEED TO STOP! – Commentary Guide

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We are back with another Among Us Video and today we are taking a little bit of a more serious tone and discussing the FAKE Among Us LIVE with Viewers Streams that are currently plaguing YouTube, as well as just fake live streams in general. YouTube has really been dragging their feet in BANNING these fake streams and they continue to break the YouTube terms of service every single day while also SCAMMING CHILDREN and HURTING REAL STREAMERS. So, because YouTube won’t, I’ve taken it upon myself to educate you on these fake content creators and EXPOSE them to, hopefully, force YouTube to take action and improve the community for all of us.
Anyway, hopefully this helps you or at the very least you find this interesting! Make sure to report fake streams wherever you find them and hopefully they will be banned soon!
And remember, if you are looking for a REAL STREAM, I stream on YouTube WF and Sunday from 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM PT, so feel free to stop by when I’m live. Hope to see you there!
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Finally, if you enjoy the content, feel free to leave a like and recommend what I should play next! And of course subscribe so I can continue making video game content for you all :).
10:29 hes gone now except maybe alt accounts
If you guys want a real among us live streamer join Aim Cyan, does not do fake streams I’ve joined him before so he’s good.
Also tom is streaming for 1 year and people still think it is real he also is streaming 2 live
Also Tom still has two livestreams that have been running for like 3 years now and he still won’t stop, SunDry is also an idiot and he legit has 11 livestreams all running at the same time like wtf? 🤦♂️
It’s January 22nd 2024 and also Tom is legit still live 🤦♂️ he deleted his original live stream from like early 2021 and he started a new fake live stream in January 2023. Unless if YouTube takes action anytime soon, his live streams are never going to stop at this point which is unfortunate.
First of all look at alsotoms description carefully of the among us live
There is one YouTube channel called SunDry and he is doing 10 LIVESTREAMS ALL AT THE SAME TIME! like wtf??
Guys if you want to be in a real live stream check out Aim Cyan, he does real live streams I’ve joined him before
It is January 6th 2023 and AlsoTom is STILL LIVE 😑
Look at alsotom he’s says we need to donate
Another YouTube channel with a fake among us live stream is SunDry and he is actually showing his face on the live stream and he is making it look super real but it’s Fake because he started back in October of 2022 and he’s still live right now
100th like
Also Tom is still live right now playing among us, he started in like January of 2021 and he has been streaming for almost 2 years Lmao
Also tom’s among us live stream is still live today can you believe it? It has been live for like 18 months now and it still hasn’t ended
i wanna puch tom
I remember falling for doal a couple of times and getting aggravated for him not starting the game. I just quit the stream but forgot to unlike and unsub.
I finally found your video on fake live streams! I'm seeing a lot of fake streams of Crypto conferences and ARK Invest presentations. These channels fake the channel name of the organizations and typically only have one previous video. Not sure how to block these from coming into my YouTube feed so I just block that channel but it's not very effective. Ideas?
VinkAlsoTom and those are literally the ones i know for Fortnite and Among Us
Make another rant with roblox giveaway streamBut I’ve to say the channel they wore doing the stream is fake
FYI I’ve to tell you their is one Rambo nei
Ok so will you please check this channel where he shows livestream every Sunday his name is hornster and I have joined his livestream twice so I want you to check his channel to let me know if he is fake streaming thanks!
Hey Listen Lets not 1 Person Also Tom made a faked live in 28th Jan And belevied or not The video is still live today Right now that's crazy and there is no way we can't live from 1 year Day and Night Lol And I know Doal is scammer But Also Tom is a biggest scammer
Thanks for standing against THIS FAKE LIVE STREAMERS
Burty’s among us live stream Finally got deleted ether by YouTube or by himself. He basically recorded his voice and video the was playing in loop while live and he kept saying the same sentences over and over again. He is just always scamming people…
YouTube channel “also Tom” made a fake live stream in January 28th and believe or not THE VIDEO IS STILL LIVE TODAY RIGHT NOW. There’s no way you can do a live stream for 10 months day and night lol