GREEN LANTERN Advanced Guide – Injustice Gods Among Us – All You Need To Know!

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A quick Advanced Guide that gives you a better understanding of the characters play-style and doesn’t waste your time! Green Lantern is a versatile character with decent zoning and good mix-ups. This tutorial will cover his best tech and setups, as well as some new combos inspired by Evo 2013!
A quick Advanced Guide that gives you a better understanding of the characters play-style and doesn’t waste your time! Green Lantern is a versatile character with decent zoning and good mix-ups. This tutorial will cover his best tech and setups, as well as some new combos inspired by Evo 2013!
Xbox 360
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B (character trait)
1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle (character trait)
f = forward
b = back
d = down
u = up
qcf / qcb = quarter circle forward/back
hcf / hcb = half circle forward/back
B+23 is damaging
Hey Underdawg, when will you be uploading the beginner's guide for Martian Manhunter tomorrow?
As soon as possible 😉
You're very welcome 😉
great video really helped me out a lot
This is the best advanced guide so far. If you did one for Catwoman(which you should), then both of my mains(GL and her) would have guides!
I'd suck at this game without u man!
If there's enough to go over, you should do an advanced guide for Martian Manhunter.
You're a genius! Is there a chance for an advanced guide for harley quinn?
Please do a catwoman and Wonder Woman guides
I'm not entirely sure what else I could cover for Catwoman. She's pretty straight forward and I didn't see any new tech shown at Evo. I dunno, sounds pretty iffy right now.
After you do the Martian Manhunter Beginner's Guide, could you do one for Deathstroke or Grundy?
An Advanced Guide, I mean.
I'm not entirely sure. We'll just have to wait and see 😉
cool, im trying to learn Aquaman, green lantern and Lobo right know, got Zod bnb almost down but im eagerly awaiting his adv guide and am curious to see how Martian Manhunter plays
I understand, however, Wonder Woman, Zod, Doomsday, Solomon Grundy, and (less likely) Bane, could use advanced guides, and have abilities that could be explained more in depth than they were in their beginner's guides.
Definitely your best one so far, man. Lots of detail, lots of explanation, lots of mixup options shown, good execution (not a new thing), and great editing (not new).
When is shazam advanced guide coming 🙂
Hey i'm that guy that told you about the spelling error on the black adam advanced guide thumbnail earlier. I thought I might as well point out that you have errors on Lex Luthor's advanced guide and on the SolomON grundy guide's thumbnails also. 😀
This is gonna sound really stupid, but can you do a small tutorial at cross-ups? I suck at them
So now that it's July 30th, how are you liking Jonn?
What do you think of an advanced guide for raven or aquaman? are those two characters too straightforward as well?
They're both pretty straight forward. Outside of perfecting their combos, I can't really think of anything else to teach. It's not that they don't deserve one, but that they don't really need one.
what about flash
Flash already has an Advanced Guide 😉
oh oops lol thx
Please do a Killer Frost or Harley Quinn guide.
Do Grundy (GRUNDY SMASH!!)
Very good
Do a shazam advanced guide
Still helpful in 2014!
Thank you. Im a new player and i really want to make GL my main, ive already came up with some pretty cool combos. Only problem is i can never find an opening, and i panic so much when fighting actual players. I will try the cross up with turbine though, looks helpful!
I cant manage to get the character trait after the back 1 +3 and then do lantetrns might. Have you guys been able to do it ok?
I really want to take a go at you UnderDawg.
John Stewart is awsome doh
Wat happened to the original beatemup? Now ppl focus on %hits, gay as fuk.
Dude, how do you activate your trait in such a short period of time?
Only in injustice will a move be plus 20
Anyone else using this to study for injustice 2 before it come out?
Love how this is still helpful in IJ2