[GW2] A Fungus Among Us – GUIDE for Gold v2

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This is a guide for how to get Gold in the A Fungus Among Us Adventure, which includes on-screen tips and tricks.

v2: Updated with better tips, video timing, and some background music for paused screens. This is mostly just me experimenting with my NLE software and YouTube Copyright Claims. Also I forgot to mention the thing about Speed Mushrooms and water immunity again LOL.

“Intro” – The XX

Full Adventure Guide:


  1. omg ty a loot, I did it on 01:24:320 just becuze of good start xD

  2. 8 Years later, and this video was a god send. Even with this video it took me 45 minutes of attempts to finally get it with a time of 1:24.280. Some of those movements really are precise and need to be quick about it. Thank you for this so much.

  3. This adventure took me a fat stack of tries to complete, but honestly it was a bunch of fun getting used to the movement abilities and shortcuts. The optional skip at 1:02 always felt great to hit. Thanks for the detailed guide!

  4. The first time I managed to complete it I posted a 1:27(silver). Only managed to bring it down by 1 sec since.. still 1.5 sec shy of gold. I cannot get the first 2 skill jump to go far enough…Hoping this guide helps, definitely some good pointers here, thanks.After you jump across the waterfall aim right at the speed mushroom and use 1. If you aim to the right of the speed mushroom you should get the mushroom and flip over that edge that sticks out.

  5. So maybe it took me 40mins to learn how to do this adventure good enough for silver. i still hate it though. wish anet put all this collection stuff first before you WASTED any mats! It's always 1 lil thing on these gen 2 legendary journey that makes me want to pull my hair out. that feeling of getting stuck and not being able to complete a collection. thanks for this video ! even though i procrastinated for years over this because of things just like this!!!

  6. Can You People who do these videos tilt the damn camera up so You can see ahead of You? So We can figure out where We need to go next. We know You did it 1000 times but We didn't. Thank You.

  7. Thanks a ton for this guide! I just got my two masteries today thanks to this.

  8. Shit video, fucking take some other optioons.

  9. Thanks for this guide. I was doing this for HOPE but I had 500 ping and thought that my skill 2 wasn't working because of it and causing me to leap off. Turns out I was doing it wrong.

  10. Wow great guide! I wouldn’t have gotten gold without this thank you!

  11. Hate that these are gated by other masteries. Really annoying. Thanks a lot, gonna come back after farming other mastery points zzzzz

  12. right now i'm trying to get silver rank for hope 3 . its been 2 days and i'm nowhere close, still more than 2:00 time. I still can't do the last jump skill 2 to the finish check point. I remember I did this years ago for something, got 1:35 without even used skill #2, just straight run and hit skill #1 here and there. well if you want to feel pissed off after playing the game, GW2 is the right game for you.

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