Hide And Seek – Tips and Tricks For Hiders – Among Us

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Hide And Seek – Tips and Tricks For Hiders – Among Us:
A few easy to learn tips and tricks to make hide and seek games easy for you as the hider.
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Among Us Tips and Tricks
Among Us Hide and Seek tips and tricks
At first I always aurvive but now I keep dying! It frustrates me and maybe I just suck at this game. Smh.
Good video and very entertaining to watch 😀
Man. I go to the admin and the impostor just go to the weapon OR the medical/hall
1:07 also the navegations,its like 80% of you getting a task in here
1:13 BANANA left the game lol 😆🤣🤣🤣😂
This is very good advice. I know you said NOT to go to electrical first but literally 1 billion people run there anyway
1:12 Uhhh
Here’s a tip. hide in the top engine inside and if you hide inside the top engine it’s easier to go but don’t stay for too long cuz in the 2nd phase it’s gonna be useless for now also this might be confusing but good luck.
Here's a tip, seeker will unable to track you if you're in the halls, however in the last second the red light thing still gonna lead the impostor to you
Why did everyone leave at 1:11?
1:12 Most of the player lefted
While this mode has been done really well, there is one flaw and that is the fact that there is no point to the game really like all you have to do is just run around the map avoiding the seeker, like maybe each map could have escape pods and you have to do the task to activate them and then enter them and win the game, maybe a way to stun the seeker. The seeker could maybe as well vent just to make it more challenging and terrifying for the hiders and last but not least there are plenty of bugs that need to be fixed as well but overall enjoyable mode with some flaws
Bro can you tell me in mobile how to control seeker in mobile
Starblast player (KEERAT)
Tips I use is say the impostor is on the left side of the map just run to the right try and stay as far away as them as possible also another tip is find a really unknown hiding spot like I use the reactor in Mira hq sometimes to hide and also just stay on the vents when the seeker comes just vent away
For The Skeld, you can camp security and watch cams. If you see the impostor walk across Medbay, means that they're coming towards Security from top and you should go downwards. If you see the impostor walk down from Admin, or you don't spot the impostor at all but they're getting closer, means they're coming towards Security from bottom and you should go upwards. If you're able to react fast enough you'll be able to make one round through the map before returning back to Security.
Why no ones talking about a lot player just left in 1:12
0:32 That's why I don't prefer to vent before final hide (unless necessary)
A risky trick which may be handy at times… If you have no vents but the player speed is high, and the impostor is very near, try to run towards him. There is a great chance that you will surprise him/her unless they react very fast. It usually needs timing else you are dead.
Nice info, you got new sub
You also forgot to mention that you can use 2 phones to play this game. By using 2 phones this means 2 of your accounts were in the same game and when 1 dies then the one that is ded can haunt the seeker to allow your other account to understand where the seeker is and everytime when the seeker comes near you then you just run away using your other account that is still alive. You can keep on doing that until the time is up since you have another acc which allows you to know where the seeker is in order for your other acc to run away and not get killed. I hope you understand what I mean
ez like deez nuts
Your video is so helpful that it has 0 dislikes.
The first room I go to all the time is security so I can see which part of the map the seeker goes to first. If they go over med I know they're coming my direction and I can run.
What if imposter is glitchy and kill us even our danger level doesn't increase or we didn't see him
well they turn down the view so I can hide in the corner of o2
I always got to electrical first 💀
Nice vid
Imposter watching the video😂
To win hide and seek all you have to do is first not do your tasks just keep an eye out for the imposter and don't die but don't do tasks then after the timer is up give fake locations as the imposter tracks you after the time goes out so give fake locations but go somewhere else and you win
Tip modifications: preserve your vents for bad situations for the final time as it increases ur chance of surviiving
Cutting corners are your best friend in this gamemode, it usually throws off the imposter’s killbox if you go around a corner and fall out of their eye range and especially if you can utilise vents well, you can make a brilliant last minute escape away from the impostor
Thx I subscribed
Lol. Cool
Imposter tip always check admin for early seek
1:12 ☠️
I always use airship because of ladder camping
The best trick to survive is to create a strategy which can be soo usefull i have a strategy video on my channel u might learn a lot from it or you can create your own strategy
I Never use vents lol. I only use them to quickly vent into other rooms to do tasks
on skeld its good to hide at start at top of cafeteria impostors rarely find you there and from point i dont see impo i keep following him its good till its red timer then you just run around using vents to get away from impo and ping in weird places to confuse impo if you are alone
Me who not using vents only goofy ahh juking🥶
Skip data download task. Imposters tend to target anyone that isn't on the move, especially when doing longer tasks.
Tip ; Stay behind the seeker , just not too close. Can help sometimes
I have another tip which I'm quite surprised no one has mentioned: always remember where others went.
For example, you're at the bottom of the zipline. You saw Red leaving the storage and heading towards the Meeting Room. After a few secs, you saw the message that Red was killed. Then you should probably zip because the Seeker might be heading this way. Or if you saw Blue go up the zipline and was killed moments later, the Seeker is probably up at Comms. DO NOT GO UP.
I never know why people kept going up the zipline even though they saw other people going up the zipline and was killed seconds later. 🙄🙄🙄
Electrical is by far the safest room for me! Because imposter rarely goes
By the way, for the stabiliizing steering task, you can just click the middle and it will automatically place it in the right position for you to save time. You don't have to drag it into place.
edit: works in normal gameplay too!
1:10 Not half the crew leaving ag the start 😂😂😂😂
I am commenting #BringBackDislikes on every unique YouTube video that I watch for the rest of 2024, regardless of if I actually dislike the video or not. This is video 3241.
maaf bang tidak berlaku untuk saya, terlalu aktif untuk bergerak
also if you dont have a hat than you can hide behind upper engine and you are unseen and you can also hide behind lower engine as no one can see you that way either if there is enough ping at final hide just go from that spot to the other as they are both good