Hide And Seek – Tips and Tricks For Hiders – Among Us

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Hide And Seek – Tips and Tricks For Hiders – Among Us:

A few easy to learn tips and tricks to make hide and seek games easy for you as the hider.

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Among Us Hide and seek
Among Us Hide and seek seeker
Among Us Hide and seek gameplay
Among Us Hide and seek update
Among Us New Hide and seek game mode
Among Us Longplay
Among Us Tips and Tricks
Among Us Hide and Seek tips and tricks


  1. Hey bro, I just won my first hide and seek match! And by the way, nice tips!

  2. Loll the last part where everybody disconnected 🤣 I guess it’s a server problem. I am surprised they haven’t permanently fixed the server lag and capacity 😦

  3. It's possible to win every single time no matter which side you are on. If you keep moving and be smart about everything you do, you will always win. (Unless everyone is pro)

  4. Pisces you are lucky my Among Us device need a new screen I am still in the old update I really need a new screen

  5. I have another way to win
    The best maps to play on are Mira HQ or Polus

  6. How do u play it it won't let me play it how do u do it

  7. i have not loss as a seeker in this mode yet so thanky ou for the tips and tricks to help my win streak

  8. Heres another tip I should add. Near the last few seconds of the game if you have any vent uses left camp near the vent. That way if the imposter gets near you you can just go in the vent. Guaranteed survival if you use this strat.

  9. So quick question, in hide and seek there's no kill counter?

  10. At the start i usually go to nav and wait to see which way the imp is coming from since they usually circle around the map

  11. A good way to fool the seeker is venting but not moving until he leaves, this mostly works with skeld navigation vents since they only lead to the same places and the seeker can go to these to find you again

  12. I started doing it before I saw this video it’s really helpful and easy

  13. For me camping at the vent are for pussies but i do have a few tips
    tip 1: try to stay in the hallways at the final countdown so that the imposter can't know where you are in the seek map that they have
    tip 2: Use the Esc button to your advantage on pc so you dont have to manually bail from a task

    For imposters
    tip 1: Go to popular places like admin and elect for a few quick kills
    tip 2: USE the seek option, that will give you a high advantage to track the others down quickly and plan where they might be going

  14. Another tip (assuming the lobby doesn't give the imposter jacked vision) is to hide on the top of the cafeteria as there is alot of room and if they get near you can flee or just stay outta sight… but in final hide yeah you should get to stepping

  15. The fact that its called hide n seek but you gotta be on the move all the time just makes me wonder "why didn't they call it run n seek? "

  16. If you have download or a long task, do that one first … immediately … imp has a ten second cooldown before they start seeking, so use this time well
    Exceptions: reactor simon and weapons asteroids take way too long in one spot and leave you exposed … don't even bother starting those in this mode
    After tasks against a single imp, I prefer running circles around the map … quickly switching directions as soon as the first blue beep goes up … run, don't hide
    Against two imps, the number of vents allowed is usually bumped much higher … mix up a strategy of running and hiding nearby the vents … good luck!

  17. I swear, if they don't port hide and seek to vr, I will literally die.

  18. Honestly among us should divide their servers more. One per continent is too much stressful for the server. And not all continents have servers , only 3 servers maintaining full world that's insane….

  19. I’m never on the Move, I go to upper engine and stay in upper engine, works 90% of the time

  20. Here's a good tip as well. After you finish your tasks (try to develop a route to take for your tasks at the beginning of each game) try to go to either the left or right hallways and continuously run up and down the halls in a loop, and when the impostor gets near, the meter will start to increase. Since you were running in that direction, you know the impostor is coming from that direction so you should run the other direction and run through either cafeteria or storage to go to the other hallway in the other side of the map to do this strategy again. If the impostor gets really close and you won't be able to outrun him to get to the other side of the map, there is a vent at the top, middle, and bottom of both hallways so you can escape every time you do it as long as you saved your vents previously and run the timer out before the impostor can get you. I recommend this because I've won countless 1v1s against the seeker when everyone is already out early in the game. As long as you can learn how to set the perfect route to do your tasks, preserve your vents, and perfect this strategy, you will be able to win every game as hider. (Also if you don't win, you messed something up on your end because if you know what you are doing, you can win every single game as hider)

  21. Great tips! Tried a couple of these out today and they worked 😀

  22. when the match starts i will go to security to watch the chaos before the seeker comes

  23. PRO TIP:=

  24. You should do tips for every map cuz the gameplay changes completely depending of the map

  25. My tips if you walk just one line if increase music bar just change duration

  26. I like to think that the hide and seek impostor is the default impostor on steroids lol.. also, would it be classified as 3 impostor types (default, shapeshifter and hide N seek impostor)

  27. Also a tip I found, if some1 died and I u knew where that person was, you could know where the imps temporary location and try to do your tasks on the other side of the map, or if you’re on the same side, u know to run now

  28. When it's the red timer, I always hide on a vent, so that if they find me I just quickly vent away.

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