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This is the full guide on how to be an impostor every game! I will keep you guys updated with glitches and bugs that are in Among Us so make sure you are subscribed! If this glitch worked for you comment and like the video! This glitch is kind of buggy because sometimes you randomly get kicked from the game but it’s pretty rare to happen.
—————————————————————(. VIDEO SECTIONS )————————————————————–
0:00 Introduction
0:20 Guide
1:13 Impostor Multiple Times in a Row
6:13 Guide Again
6:30 End
—————————————————————(. MUSIC )————————————————————–
Diamond Eyes – Everything [NCS Release]
Tom Wilson – Be Myself [NCS Release]
—————————————————————(.END )————————————————————–
if you read this you get a free cookie 🙂
#impostoreverytime #amongushack #impostorglitch
Thank you so much im so tired of being a crewmate🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
thank you to show me about this
Wow its really working!! Thank you so much!😍
That works
Thank u so much I am 23 impostor I'm line
OMG thx
when someone who also watched the video sees you doing this like:
Does this work for a phone?
Does this glitch still work?
I was like boi this aint gonna work and it did thank u man you earned ur self a sub and like
i got imposter 2 times in a row thank u man
ok ill be honest this METHOD IS GREAT FOR LEGIT PLAYERS but u get like imposter 3/5 of the times which IS AMAZING TYSMMMMMMMMM U JUST GOT A SUB :)))))))
Thx dude, It works!but i still mess up sometimes 😅
Bro plzz help me
You sir are a legend 🙂 ya got my sub
Legit glith so nice
Hey mr.among us. Please play on my server?
Nice song bro pls reply and tell the name
this actually works.
it worked
u just have to do it right
Your tip suck im always a crewmate even i follow the instructions
It worked first time!
Bro its so hard the speed for the servers are sp fast
thx.very effective😉😉
does not work
Ima sub if dis work but I left so many time it disabled so O have to wait 10 minuets I'll come back if works
this glitch works
This legit works
. 。 • ゚ 。 .
. . 。 。 .
. 。 ඞ 。 . • •
゚ Red was not An Impostor. 。 .
' 1 Impostor remains 。
゚ . . , . .
It works
Does this work on mobile at all?
It works
you earned your self a bloody sub mate
Bro it works thanks
It works thanks
it worked!
Yooo it works 😳
The best but it works sometimes
Yo this Is awsome cause I got imposter 20x in a row
I like vid cuz i became crewmate 203828276364739292836462881636372726366327726347382736463728276333672826263663365748286251638263738 TIMES LIKE IM SO ANGRY ABOUT IT AND I HATE BEING A CREWMAYE CUZ SOME CREMATES ARE DUMB AND USELESS >:( AND THIS IS THE MOST USEFUL VID I'VE EVER SEEN IN AMONG US 🙂
It works ommgg thankss