I didn’t know my 10 y/o Nephew got BETTER THAN ME | drawing Among Us

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My 10 y/o Nephew is actually better than me :O
Find me there too:
@thekauczuk on Insta, TikTok
#asmr #drawing #amongus
I can do better and im barely older
A perro
he didn't even try to beat his nephew bc he knew he would lose
One like = one prayer for the pencil😢
He is made from you
Para tener 10 años pinta mejor que yo teniendo 15
Among Us very sus.🥵
I hate the song but love the video❤❤
I'm 15 and I can't even draw a tiny one
Wow your nephew draws really good almost good as you he needs just a little practice and he will be a artist like his other nephew which is you keep up the good work!😊
Rip 😂
Wow I am so glad
the process of mixing colors, dont underrestimate he white pencil
es injusto porque tú usas plumones y el niño no😡😡🤬🤬😠😤
That was not bad a all
Bro that 10 to can draw better then most 15-20 year old professional artist
He draws and coulers better then me I'm let's just
Say if I add 6 to my age it would be 15
And just how old is he!?!! He’s so good!
I hate coloring
when a 10 yr old draws better than you
The owner of the channel did not even try 🗿 💀 🗿
Woah, he looks just like a boy in my school 💯
He is talented
Si traduces esto dame un me gusta
Bros is better than me
his nephew is younger than me but still better than me
Wow thats better than me😢
He is a great artist!
WTF it’s sooo gooooooood!
Omg that is so good
WOW ❤❤❤
Wow ❤ cute and talented, totally incredible 😍
Don't read my @
Man as a person who has been drawing and doing art since I was 5 years old this kid has better shading skills then me 👍
F en el chat por el color rojo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I say it's a beautiful drawing but then I think about the poor marker 😭✨