Injustice Gods Among Us Character Guide – Lobo – Lobo Combos

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This is a beginner/intermediate guide for how to play as the Main Man, Lobo, in Injustice Gods Among Us
Lobo Beginner Combos
Lobo Intermediate Combos
How to Use Lobo
Lobo Guide
Lobo Combos
Lobo How To
How to Play Lobo
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I suck at this game so this is helpful.
first view, and good guide
this is great Mitch! I hope you do a Green Lantern one.
these are great videos, but can you try to put the combos on screen for people to follow.
Cool video. I didn't realize they'd have released Lobo so fast. For some reason I'd like to see you do a Hawkgirl video one of these days… Just out of a bizarre sense of curiosity 😀
Please keep them coming.
Nice tutorials. Havent got the game myself, but i do wanna buy it. Keep them coming!
Nightwing next
These guides are great! Make a shazam or green lantern one next!
Flash he's so hard to master
This is actually one of the only helpful things I've seen on Lobo. Thank. I've been having tons of fun with him
Fuck you deathstroke players
you are pro
Or you could do the flash.
Nothing in the guide was wrong imo, but I just like to add more to it.
His neutral heavy can hit most character right from the start, as soon as the says begin. If your opponent stands still or tries to do a move, or jumps forward, you will get the first hit, which means a free meter.
Also, his trait also effects his basic grab.
Another option for a combo with his command grab, if you can't land the back-3, is his back 2 up 1.
Oh yea, also, his back forward 3 meter burned gives him armor through one hit.
Because they are braindead spammers who don't bother to learn the game.
48% combo thats fairly simple.
j2, b2 u3, 113, MB dbf2 (the toss), 21, db2 (chain). 48% damage, 50% with trait.
because hes one of those bitchy players in the fgc that doesnt know what to do against gunshots
Hello my psn name is RENEGADEKILLER21 I picked up Lobo about two weeks ago trying to make him my main progress has been slow if there are any really good Lobo players out there you can teach me please. & i can help you with either Sinestro or Hawkgirl
My main is Sinestro & while he is no whear near as annoying a Deathstroke here is why. When being zoned by Sinestro all you have to do is hold back & UR SAFE, Deathstroke can shoot low & high and in the air and his traits make his gunshots unblockable. Which means closing the gaps near impossible. He is also good up close so he is way OVERPOWERED
do a raven guide please
When are guys gonna do a guide for a non dlc character
PSN Slicer12 to play the best Lobo player in the world…. Me!
Where's deadpool ftw
Are there any good Deathstroke players online, instead of braindead spammers? Since Deathstroke is my main character, I should at least hear one good player that knows how to play with Deathstroke with nasty combos.
Lobo kicks Superman ass!
Cyborg would be nice.
Could you do a video for The Flash?
Why do you always torture joker
Amazing guide!
Lobo has some issues, like lack of high range projectiles, good, but not really fast special moves and basic attacks, but… When i decided to play ladder on very hard for the first time, i lost about 3-4 times to each of my opponents, before somehow managed to beat them. 8 times to Superman, in final fight. But Lobo… oh god, this bastard kicked my ass for FIFTY SEVEN times in a row, i'm dead fucking serious, i've counted this! And he wasn't even 8th or 9th, no, he was 5th. Lobo as my 5th opponent on ladder beat me for 57 times. It just blows my mind.
You forget to mention that nuclear shells (his character power) not only increases the power and knockdown of the shotgun but also increases its range dramatically. So if u face a zoner and they are being over confident use a meter burned nuclear shell shotgun to punish them shy of 30%.
Much easier ult setup is uppercut after mister machete and catch the enemy when they start to come down. I found the timing is much more forgiving on that.
No one wants to hear you talk a lot
I Bought This Game… All Because Of Lobo…