Injustice: Gods Among Us – True Marksman Trophy / Achievement Guide

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Win a match with Green Arrow using only arrows [Bronze / 10G]
This is pretty easy. Start a match with Green Arrow and set the difficulty to very easy. All characters are available from the beginning on. Now keep pressing Circle (PS3) / B (X360) until time runs out. It will automatically count as a win if the enemy has less health than you when the clock hits zero.
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If I been Tolley honest this is the hardest one to earn
That’s weird I did just that but it didn’t pop up for me.. did it multiple times too
Thank u 😀
To save time you can use the fire arrows that deals more damage , that is how i got this trophy
Make more please
This was such a pian!!! But got it! 😀
Wtf I kept doing down back triangle.
Can you do it in co-op also